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[[File:"The Musical Party" by Johannes Voorhout.png|thumb|"The Musical Party" by Johannes Voorhout. Buxtehude is now thought to be playing the Viola de Gamba. [[Jean-Adam Reincken]] is playing the harpsichord.]]
'''Dietrich Buxtehude''' (1637-1707)
'''Dietrich Buxtehude''' (1637-1707)

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== WVlist Notes ==
== WVlist Notes ==
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<blockquote><nowiki></nowiki><br>-Anonymous, Sep 30, 2022</blockquote>
<blockquote><nowiki></nowiki><br>-Anonymous, Sep 30, 2022</blockquote>

== Works ==
== Organ Works ==
=== BuxWV ===
Compositions by Buxtehude are classified according to ''Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis'' (BuxWV). Before this, the works would typically be referred to by their location in the edition by [[Philipp Spitta]], for example "Sp.I:1", or "Erg." for the ''Ergänzungsband''<ref>[[Josef Hedar|Hedar, Josef]], ''Dietrich Buxtehudes Orgelwerke''. 372-373.</ref>.
=== Organ Works in BuxWV Catalogue ===
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! Sources<ref>[[Klaus Beckmann|Beckmann, Klaus]] (editor), ''D. Buxtehude: Sämtliche Orgelwerke.'' Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1997.</ref> !! BuxWV<ref name="buxwv">Karstädt, Georg. ''Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Dietrich Buxtehude.'' Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1985.</ref> !! Title !! Incipit
|Accredite gentes, accurrite populi
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative e { r4 e g4. a16 b c4 c r4 r8 e c4. } \\ \relative c { c1 1 1*3/8  } \\ \relative e' { <e g>1~1 <e\laissezVibrer g>1*3/8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Afferte Domino gloriam honorem
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \time 3/4 << \relative f { r4 r f a4. bes8 c4 a f } \\ \relative f, { f2. f~f } >> \bar ""</nowiki></ref>
|All solch dein Güt' wir preisen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative g' { r4 g c d8 ees ees4 f8 g8 4 } \\ \relative g' { r2 r4 g c d8 ees ees4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Alles, was ihr tut mit Worten oder mit Werken
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \partial 2 << \relative b'' { b2~2 a4. g8 a2 } \\ \relative d' { d2~2 c4. b8 c2 } \\ \relative g'' { g2 e1 fis2 } \\ \relative g' { g2~2 a2~2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 3/4 << \relative d'' { d2. e4 fis2 g2. a4. } \\ \relative g { g2. 4 a2 g2. fis \bar "" } \\ \relative b' { b2. b4 c2 b2. a2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|An filius non est Dei, fons gratiae salus rei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \relative b { r4 <b d fis>4 4 4 <ais cis fis>4 4 <b d fis>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Aperite mihi portas justitiae
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative c'' { \tuplet 3/2 4 { <a c>8 <bes d> <c e> <d f> <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a> <e g> <f a>4.  } } \\ \relative f' { \tuplet 3/2 4 { f4 e8 d4 c8 bes4 c8 f4. } } >></nowiki></ref>
|Att du, Jesu, will mig höra
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \time 3/2 << \relative ees'' { r2 ees c g'2. f4 ees d ees2 } \\ \relative c' { c1. b c1.*1/3  } \\ \relative c'' { r2 c ees d2 1 c2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Beenke Mensch, das Ende, bedenke deinen Tod
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \partial 2 << \relative bes'' { bes2 bes a4. g8 fis2 g\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative g { g2 c1~2 bes } \\ \relative g'' { g4. f8 ees1 d } \\ \relative d'' { d2~2 c4. bes8 a2 bes\laissezVibrer } >></nowiki></ref>
|Befiehl dem Engel, daß er komm
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { c8. d16 e8. f16 e4 r8 e8 d } \\ \relative a' { a4 a, a c b } \\ \\ \relative a' { a8. b16 c8. d16 c8. b16 a8 a' a8. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Canite Jesu nostro citharae, cymbala, organa
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative c'' { c4. bes8 a4 g4. 8 4 <c a>4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Cantate Domino canticum novum
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative d'' { r8 \autoBeamOff d8 b g d'8. 16 b8 } \addlyrics { Can -- ta -- te Do -- mi -- no, }</nowiki></ref>
|Das neugeborne Kindelein, das herzeliebe Jesulein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a'' { <a e c>4 r8 8 8 <c e, c> <b f d>8. <a f c>16 <gis e b>8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Dein edles Herz, der Liebe Thron
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative c'' { c4 c8. b16 c2 ees8. } \\ \relative c' { c4 d ees2 g,4 } \\ \relative g' { g4 4 2 4 } \\ \relative ees' { ees4 d c2 8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Der Herr ist mit mir, darum fürchte ich mich nicht
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \clef bass c4. \clef treble \relative g'' { <g ees c,>8 <c ees, aes,,>4} << \relative c''' { <c ees,>8. <d aes>16 } \\ \relative aes { aes8 f } >> <g g'' b''>4</nowiki></ref>
|Dies ist der Tag
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative d'' { d4. 8 g4 8. f16 e4 } \\ \relative b' { b4. 8 8. c16 d4 g, } \\ \\ \relative g' { g2 e4 b c } >></nowiki></ref>
|Dixit Dominus Domino meo
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g'' { <g e g, e>4 r8 8 <g c, a e>4 r8 <f c a d,> } << \relative f'' { f8 e } \\ { <d' g' b'>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Domine, salvum fac regem et exaudi nos
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key a \major \relative a'' { \partial 2 <a cis, a e a,>2 <b fis fis, d a>2 <b e, b d, gis,>2. 4 <cis e, a, cis, a>1 }</nowiki></ref>
|Drei schöne Dinge sing
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative a'' { <a f f,>4 <d, bes g>4. <e bes g>8 <f a, f>2. }</nowiki></ref>
|Du Frieden - Fürst, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor << \relative f'' { f4 fis8 g16 a bes8 d,16 ees f4~8*2 } \\ \relative bes' { bes4 a g d ees } \\ \relative d'' { d4 c bes4. c16 d g,4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Du Frieden - Fürst, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative b'' { b2~ <b g> <g e> <a fis> <b g> }</nowiki></ref>
|Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \major \relative a { \repeat tremolo 2 <a cis a' cis e>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <b d fis b d>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <gis b fis' b d>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <a cis e a cis>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <fis a fis' a cis>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <cis a' e' a cis>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Ecce, nunc benedicite Domino
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative b' { b16 c d8 a16 b c8 b g r16 g a b <c e> }</nowiki></ref>
|Eins bitte ich vom Herrn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { <e c>4 8. <d b>16 c4 r8 <c g'>8 <c a'> <c g'> <c f>8. <b g'>16 <c e>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Entreißt euch, meine Sinnen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative a { r4 r8 a f e16 d g a bes a a8 } \\ \relative d { d4 cis d bes8 g d' } >></nowiki></ref>
|Erfreue dich, Erde! Du Himmel eschall!
|Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { e8 f16 g a4 g r8 a f } \\ \relative c'' { c4~16 d c d e4 r8 a, b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Fallax mundus ornat vultus
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative ees'' { r4 ees g4. d8 ees4 g c2\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative c' { c1 c2. ees4 } \\ \\ \relative c'' { r4 c ees4. b8 c4 ees2 g4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Frohlocket mit Händen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \partial 1 \relative g' { <g c>4 <g b d>4. 8 <g b>4 <g c>4 4 } \addlyrics { Froh -- lok -- ket, froh -- lok -- ket, }</nowiki></ref>
|Fürchtet euch nicht, siehe ich verkündige euch große Freude
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative f' { f4 a c a4. g8 f4 c' }</nowiki></ref>
|Fürwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \relative c' { r8 <c g' c c ees>8 8 8 <c g' c ees g>8 8 8 8 4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Gen Himmel zu dem Vater mein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative d'' { d8 b16 d d8 g,16 d' e8 g,16 e' d g, c } \\ \relative g' { g4 b, c b8 a \bar "" } >></nowiki></ref>
|Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r4 c c g c f e d c2 }</nowiki></ref>
|Gott hilf mir, denn das Wasser geht mir bis an die Seele
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative g'' { g8 g f f <g ees>8[ 8] <f d>8 } \\ \relative c' { c2 c \bar "" } \\ \relative c' { c1\laissezVibrer } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, auf dich traue ich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 << \relative e'' { e8 e c c a a f' e d } \\ \relative a' { a2. a4 <f a> } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, ich lasse dich nicht
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative d'' { <f d>2 <ees g>2~4 <f aes>8 <ees g> <d f>2 } \\ \relative bes' { bes2 g4 ees bes1 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, nun läßt du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g'' { g4 f e2 r4 g f2 e1 } \\ \relative e'' { e4 d c2 r4 c4 c4. b8 c1 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, wenn ich nur dich hab
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative g' { r4 g4 r4 a r8 b8 b cis d2 } \addlyrics { Herr, Herr, wenn ich nur dich } \\ \relative g' { g2 fis e b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative b' { <b d>4 r8 8 8 <a c>8 8 <g b>16 <fis a> <g b>4. } \\ \relative g' { g4 r8 b, c4 d g,8 a b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herren var Gud - Der Herr erhöre dich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative b' { r4 b c b e2 } \\ \relative e' { e2 r2 r4 <e gis>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { r8 <c e>8 8 8 <b d>4 r8 b8~8 a a4. } \\ \relative c' { r8 <c g'>8 8 8 <d g>4 r8 <b e e'>8 <c e c'>2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herzlich tut mich verlangen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { r2 r8 e a8. g16 f4 } \\ \relative a' { a2~8. g16 f8. e16 d4 } \\ \\ \relative a' { r8 a e'8. d16 c2~16 d c b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \relative e'' { r4 r <e g>4 <e c'> <c e>4. <d f>8 <e g>4 <e, c'> }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \partial 4 \relative c' { <c g' c e>4 <d g b d> r4 <d a' d f> <e a c e> }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich bin eine Blume zu Saron
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key a \major \relative a'' { <a cis,>4. 8 <a d,>8 8 <a e>2 4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key c \minor \relative c' { <c ees' g>2 <bes d' g> <aes c' f> <g b' f'>1 }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden und bei Christo zu sein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key c \minor << \relative ees'' { <ees g>1. <f aes>2 <ees g>2. <d f>4 <ees g>1. } \\ \relative c' { c1.~c~c } >></nowiki></ref>
|Ich halte es dafür, daß dieser Zeit Leiden der Herrlicnkeit nicht wert sei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative bes' { <bes d,>2 2 r2 <bes g> <c ees,>4 <bes d,> <a c,> <g bes,> }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich sprach in meinem Herzen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto << \relative g' { g8 e16 g g8 d16 g g8 c,16 g' f  } \\ \relative c' { c4 b a  } >></nowiki></ref>
|Ich suchte des Nachts in meinem Bette
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \key f \major << \relative d' { r4 r8 d8 d2 d8 8 8 8 8 } \\ \relative g, { g4 a bes c d g, g' } >></nowiki></ref>
|Ihr lieben Christen, freut euch nun
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major << \relative a'' { a8 16 16 d,8 a' b e,16 fis g8 fis16 e <fis d>8 } \\ \relative d' { d4 fis g e d } >></nowiki></ref>
|In dulci jubilo, nun singet und seid froh!
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key f \major \partial 2 \relative f' { f2 <f d>1 <g e>2 <a f>2. <c g>4( <b f>2) <c g>2. } \addlyrics { In dul -- ci ju -- bi -- lo }</nowiki></ref>
|In te, Domine, speravi. Non confundar in aeternum
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative c { c8 d e c f d g g, c d] } \clef treble \relative c'' { <c g>8[ <c e,>] } \addlyrics { In te, }</nowiki></ref>
|Ist es recht, daß man dem Kaiser Zinse gebe oder night?
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 g16 a bes8 c d ees <f d>8  }</nowiki></ref>
|Je höher du bist, je mehr dich demütige
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \time 3/4 << \relative fis'' { fis4 b4. cis8 ais4 fis ais b } \\ \relative b { b4 g2 fis2 4 g } \\ \relative d'' { d2 e4 fis2 4 d } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu dulcis memoria
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/8 \key e \minor << \relative b'' { r8 b8. 16 g8 g e e4 dis16 e e8 } \\ \relative e' { e4 dis8 e4 g8 a fis4 e4.*1/3 } \\ \\ \relative g' { s4. r8 g g a fis8. e16 e4*1/2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu dulcis memoria
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative g'' { <g b>2~16 <fis a> <e g> <d fis> <cis e>8. <d fis>16 <d d>2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { g4 g' e a fis } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, komm, mein Trost und Lachen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative c''' { c4 c,8. d16 b4 r4 } \\ \relative c' { c4 aes g r4 } \\ \relative g'' { g4 g8. f16 g4 r4 } \\ \relative ees' { ees4. c8 d4 r4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meine Freud und Lust
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \key a \major << \relative c'' { <cis e>4. <b d>8 <a cis>4 <gis b>4. <gis cis>8 <a d>4 <d e,>4 <a cis>4. } \\ \relative a' { a4 e e e4. 8 d4 b'8 a e4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meine Freude, meines Herzens Weide
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor << \relative b'' { b4 g e8 e dis dis e4 fis g8 } \\ \relative e' { e2. b'4 c a g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meiner Freuden Meister
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \new Voice { \relative e' {\voiceOne  e4 e8 b'8 4 8 e8 e4. a,8 b4 g } \addlyrics { Je -- su, __ _ mei -- ner __ _ Freu -- den Mei -- ster } } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \relative e' { <e g>4 4 <dis fis>4 4 <cis g'>4. <dis fis>8 <g, g'>4 4 } } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meines Lebens Leben
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative f'' { f4 cis d8. 16 c8. bes16 a8 } \\ \relative f' { f4 r8 e8 d4 g, a4*1/2 } \\ \relative f'' { d4 e f g c,4*1/2 } \\ \relative a' { a4. g8 f8 a g4 f4*1/2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesulein, du Tausendschön, Blümlein aus dem Himmelsgarten
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c' { <c g' c e g>8. 16 4 8. 16 4 <c e' g>8. <d d' f>16 <e c' e>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Jubilate Domino omnis terra
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major << \relative a' { r8 a16 b a8. g16 fis8 16 16 8 g16 a d,8 } \\ \relative d' { d4 cis d4. e16 fis g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Klinget mit Freuden, ihr klaren Klarieren (BuxWV 119)
|Kommst du, kommst du, Licht der Heiden
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative f'' { f2 r4 bes aes2 g4.*2/3 } \\ \relative bes { bes2 r4 g4 f bes ees,2*1/2 } \\ \relative d'' { d2 r4 ees4~4. d8 ees4.*2/3 } \\ \relative d' { d2 r4 bes4 c bes bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative f' { f2 r4 g aes f ees } >></nowiki></ref>
|Lauda anima mea Dominum!
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative c' { <c e' g>4 <a c' f>4. 8 <g b' f'>4. 8 <a c' e>4 4 <f a' d>4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Lauda Sion Salvatorem
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { a8. c16 b8. d16 c16 d c b a c d e <a, c>8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Laudate, pueri, Dominum, laudate nomen Domini
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative a { r8 <a f' a>8 <d f a>8. <d d g>16 <cis e a>8. 16 4 r8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Liebster, meine Seele saget mit durchauss verliebtem Sinn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { e16 g f a g8 f16 e d8 g g8.*2/3 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g16 b a c b8 a16 g c8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \key a \major <a e' a' cis'' e''>2. 4 4 4 1.~1.</nowiki></ref>
|Mein Gemüt erfreuet sich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g'' { g4~16 a g f e8 a d, g e } \\ \relative e'' { e4. e16 d c8 c c8. b16 c8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Mein Herz ist bereit, Gott, Daß ich singe und lobe
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 f2. ees4 d1 } \\ \relative f' { f2 d a bes1 } \\ \relative a' { a2~4 bes c2 bes1 } \\ \relative f' { f2 1 1 }>></nowiki></ref>
|Meine Seele, willtu ruhn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative g'{ r4 g4:8 d'4:8 <d fis, d>4:8 <b g>4:8 4 } \\ \relative g' { g4 e b d <g g,>2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Membra Jesu Nostri
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative g'' { g2 2 8 8 8 a16 b c2*1/4\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative c' { c2~2 2 8 } \\ \relative ees'' { ees2 2 r2 ees8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|[[D-KA Aa 36 V Nr. 48]]
|Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
|Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 4/2 <<\relative d' { d1 a'2 a g } \\ \relative a { r4 a f a8 b c2. d8 c bes2  } \\ \relative f' { r2 r4 f e f8 g a4 f g2  } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 4/2 <<\relative d' { d1 a'2 a g } \\ \relative a { r4 a f a8 b c2. d8 c bes2  } \\ \relative f' { r2 r4 f e f8 g a4 f g2  } >>}</score>
|Nichts sol uns scheiden von der Liebe Gottes
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative a'' { a4 g8 a16 e f4 e8 f16 cis d4 } \\ \relative d' { d8 f e cis d d, r4 d'4 } \\ \\ \relative a'' { r2 a4 g8 a16 e f8. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor << \relative b'' { b2 4. fis8 g2 4 dis e } \\ \relative e' { e2 dis e2. b4 e4 } \\ \relative g'' { g2 fis4 b,4 1 4 } \\ \relative b' { b2 2 2. 4 4 } \\ \relative e' { e2 fis e2. fis4 g } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nun danket alle Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 << \relative c'' { <c g>2 <e c> <g e> <e c> <c g> <d g> <e a> } \\ \relative c' { c1 2 1 b2 c2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nun freut euch, ihr Frommen, mit mir
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative d'' { d2. 4 e2. fis4 g1 } \\ \relative g' { <g b>1~2 <a c> <g b>1 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nun laßt uns Gott dem Herren Dank sagen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2. \relative c'' { <c g e>4 4 4 <a f c> <c g e> <c a f>8 } \addlyrics { Nun lasst uns Gott dem Her- }</nowiki></ref>
|O clemens, o mitis, o coelestis Pater
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \relative c'' { <c g ees>4 < b f d>4 4 4 <c g c,>4 4 <c aes c,> <ees g, c,> }</nowiki></ref>
|O dulcis Jesu, o amor cordis mei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \key e \minor <<\relative b'' { <b g>2 r8 <b, g>8 <g' e>4 r8 <e c> <c' a>4 } \\ \relative e' { e2 r4 r8 e c'4 r8 a b4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|O fröhliche Stunden, o fröhliche Zeit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/8 << \relative a' { a8. b16 cis d cis8. b16 a8 } \\ \repeat unfold 6 a'8 >></nowiki></ref>
|O fröhliche Stunden, o herrliche Zeit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \relative c' { <c g' c e>4 4 4 <a c a' c f>4 4 4 <b d g d' f>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|O Gott, wir danken deiner Güt'
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 << \relative e'' { e2 e e f2. e4 d2 e2. } \\ \relative a' { a2 gis a d,1 g2 c,1*3/4 } \\ \relative c'' { c2 b c c1 b2 b1*3/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|O Gottes Stadt, o güldnes Licht
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key c \minor \relative ees' { <ees g c>4 <d f c'>4. <d f b>8 <es g c>2. <c f aes>4 <c ees g>4. }</nowiki></ref>
|O Jesu mi dulcissime
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key e \minor \relative e' { <e g' b>2 <dis fis' b>4 <e e' g>4 <e e' e> c'' b b }</nowiki></ref>
|O lux beata, treintas et principalis unitas
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a'' { a4 gis a2~4 c d2 c2 r4 } \\ \relative a { a1~2 b a r4 } \\ \relative e'' { e4 d e2~4 a a4. gis8 a2 r4 } \\ \relative c'' { c4 b c2~4 e d2 e2 r4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|O wie selig sind, die zu dem Abendmahl des Lammes berufen sind
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \clef bass << \relative e' { R2. e4. e8 d c b4. } \\ \relative a, { a2 b4 c2 d4 e2.*1/2\laissezVibrer } \\  \relative a { a4. a8 g f e4. c'8 b a gis4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Pange lingua gloriosi, corporis mysterium
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \relative b { <g e' b' g'>4. 8 <a fis' a cis'>4 4 r8 <a fis' a dis>8 8 8 <b e g e'>4. 8 2 }</nowiki></ref>
|Quemadmodum desiderato cervus
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \clef bass << \relative a { r4 a4 8. 16 8. 16 d4 c4.*2/3 } \\ \relative f, { f4 f'8 e d4 8 c bes4 a } \\ \\  \relative f { r4 f4 8. 16 8. 16 f2.*2/3 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Salve desideratum, salve clamor gentium
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative e'' { R2. r4 ees4. 8 aes4. } \\ \relative c' { c2.~4 c4 4 f2*3/4 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g4. 8 c2. c2*3/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Salve Jesu, Patris gnats unigenite
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \relative d'' { d4 a8 d e fis g fis16 e fis4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative f'' { f8. 16 8. 16 bes2~4 } \\ \relative d'' { r2 d8. 16 8. 16 g4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Schwinget euch himmelan, Herzen und Sinnen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 6/8 << \relative b'' { b4. 4. a4. a b4 } \\ \relative g' { g4. b, c d g,4 } \\ \\ \relative d'' { <d g>4. 4. <e g>4. <d g>4 fis8 <g d>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sicut Moses exaltavit serpentum
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key d \major << \relative a' { r8 a8 4 d4. c8 b4. cis!8 d2 } \\ \relative d' { r8 d8 cis4 b8 g fis4 g4 e d2 } \\ \\ \relative fis' { r8 fis e4 d8 b' a4 a8 g g8. fis16 fis2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 << \relative e'' { e4 b4. d8 c4. e8 g4 g, } \\ \relative c'' { c4 g2 a e4~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Surrexit Christus hodie
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative b'' { r2 <b g> <c a>1 <b d,>2. } \\ \relative g' { g2 2~2 fis g e2*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative d'' { r2 d2 e d a'4 g g2*1/2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Wachet auf, rust uns die Stimme
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative a' { a4 d <d a fis>2 2. 4 } \\ \relative d' { <d fis a,>2 a4 d d2. 4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.137-141
|Praeludium in C Major
|Praeludium in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g { r16 g a b c d e f g e f g a } \\ \relative g { r8 r16 g a b c d e c d e f } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative g { r16 g a b c d e f g e f g a } \\ \relative g { r8 r16 g a b c d e c d e f } >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.111v-113v
|Praeludium in C Major
|Praeludium in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative c { r16 c e c g'8 g, r g c c, r4 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \relative c { r16 c e c g'8 g, r g c c, r4 }}</score>
|[[US-NH LM 4838]] p.65-67
|Praeludium in C Major
|Praeludium in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r16 c b a g e f g c, d e f g }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c'' { r16 c b a g e f g c, d e f g }}</score>
|[[Schmahl Organ Tablatures]] (4) p.4-5<br>[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster U:6]]<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.13-17<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in D Major
|Praeludium in D Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { r8 r16 a d fis d a a'8 r8 r4 r8 } \\ \relative d' { s2 r16 d fis a d a fis d d'8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { r8 r16 a d fis d a a'8 r8 r4 r8 } \\ \relative d' { s2 r16 d fis a d a fis d d'8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.18-22<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p.1-5<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in D Minor
|Praeludium in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g' { r16 <g e'> <a f'> <g e'> <f d'> <g e'> <f d'> <e cis'> <f d'> }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g' { r16 <g e'> <a f'> <g e'> <f d'> <g e'> <f d'> <e cis'> <f d'> }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.23-28<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p.6-9<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in E Major
|Praeludium in E Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \major \relative b' { r16 b cis dis e b cis b32 a b16 a32 gis e'16~32 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \major \relative b' { r16 b cis dis e b cis b32 a b16 a32 gis e'16~32 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.92-99<br>[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:5]]<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.1-7<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in E Minor
|Praeludium in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \relative e' { r16 e g b g e c' a b e cis dis e }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \relative e' { r16 e g b g e c' a b e cis dis e }}</score>
|[[D-B Fot. Bü 227]] (Foto 535-538) p.1-4<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.43-47<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in E Minor
|Praeludium in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \clef bass \relative e, { e4~16 e' dis e b b' a b e,8 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \clef bass \relative e, { e4~16 e' dis e b b' a b e,8 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.134-137
|Praeludium in F Major
|Praeludium in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \key f \major {f16 bes a bes g c' bes c' } \clef treble << \relative c' { c16 f e f d } \\ {a4 bes8} >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \key f \major {f16 bes a bes g c' bes c' } \clef treble << \relative c' { c16 f e f d } \\ {a4 bes8} >>}</score>
|[[D-B 30381]] No. 3<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.31-37<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in F Major
|Praeludium in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative f'' { r16 e f e f c d bes c a bes g a }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative f'' { r16 e f e f c d bes c a bes g a }}</score>
|[[B-Bc 26659]] f.22v-24v<br>[[D-DS 1462/1]] p.1-7<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]<br>[[D-LEm Becker III.8.6]] p.1-7<br>[[A-Wn Mus. Hs. 5011]] p.1
|Praeludium in F-Sharp Minor
|Praeludium in F-Sharp Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key fis \minor \relative fis'' { \repeat percent 4 { fis16 a eis gis } fis16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key fis \minor \relative fis'' { \repeat percent 4 { fis16 a eis gis } fis16 }}</score>
|[[S-L Engelhart 216]]
|Preludium in G Major
|Preludium in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative g { r8 g fis16 g e fis d g b, d c g' a, }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \relative g { r8 g fis16 g e fis d g b, d c g' a, }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.120-125<br>[[Grobe Tablature]]<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p1.5
|Praeludium in G Minor
|Praeludium in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor << \relative d'' { r16 d ees c d bes c a bes g a fis g } \\ \relative d' { r4 r16 d ees c d bes c a bes } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor << \relative d'' { r16 d ees c d bes c a bes g a fis g } \\ \relative d' { r4 r16 d ees c d bes c a bes } >>}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster U:5]]<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.75-81<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in G Minor
|Praeludium in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \relative g'' { \tuplet 6/4 4 { r16 fis g a g fis g cis, d e d cis d }}</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \relative g'' { \tuplet 6/4 4 { r16 fis g a g fis g cis, d e d cis d }}}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f. 6, 53, 54r
|Praeludium in G Minor
|Praeludium in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key g \minor \relative g { g8. 16 a g a32 g a fis g16 d bes' g d' }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \key g \minor \relative g { g8. 16 a g a32 g a fis g16 d bes' g d' }}</score>
|[[Schmahl Organ Tablatures]] (1)<br>[[Möller Manuscript]] f.47-48
|Praeludium in A Major
|Praeludium in A Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \major \relative e'' { e8. a16 cis, d e b cis d a b cis }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key a \major \relative e'' { e8. a16 cis, d e b cis d a b cis }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.84-87
|Praeludium quarti toni
|Praeludium quarti toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { e8 d16 c b c d e gis, a b a gis }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative e'' { e8 d16 c b c d e gis, a b a gis }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.8-12<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in A minor
|Praeludium in A minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto << \relative e' { r2 e16 a gis b a } \\ \relative e { e16 a gis b a c b d c8 b16 d c } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto << \relative e' { r2 e16 a gis b a } \\ \relative e { e16 a gis b a c b d c8 b16 d c } >>}</score>
| [[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.142-147
|Toccata in D Minor
|Toccata in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { d8. a16 bes a f g } << \relative a' { <a f>4 }\\ \relative cis' {r16 cis d d, } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { d8. a16 bes a f g } << \relative a' { <a f>4 }\\ \relative cis' {r16 cis d d, } >>}</score>
| [[D-B 2681]] p.66-71<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p.10-15<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]] f.18r-20r<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Toccata in F Major
|Toccata in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c' { r32 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c' { r32 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a16 }}</score>
|[[BuxWV 157 Manuscript]]
|Toccata in F Major
|Toccata in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative f' { f16 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a c, d e f }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative f' { f16 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a c, d e f }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.88-91
|Praeambulum in A Minor
|Praeambulum in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { e4. d16 c b8 c16 d gis,8 a16 b e,4 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative e'' { e4. d16 c b8 c16 d gis,8 a16 b e,4 }}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.33v-35r<br>[[D-B 30069]] p.42-43
|Ciacona in C Minor
|Ciacona in C Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative c'' { r8 c16 b c4. d8 b8 } \\ \relative e' {r8 ees16 d ees8. d16 c4 d8 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g f g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative c'' { r8 c16 b c4. d8 b8 } \\ \relative e' {r8 ees16 d ees8. d16 c4 d8 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g f g8 } >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.91-92v
|Ciacona in E Minor
|Ciacona in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \time 3/4 << \relative a' { r8 a b4. c8~8 } \\ \relative a { r4 r r8 a b } \\ \relative fis' { r4 r8 fis g4 fis8 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \time 3/4 << \relative a' { r8 a b4. c8~8 } \\ \relative a { r4 r r8 a b } \\ \relative fis' { r4 r8 fis g4 fis8 }  >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.107v-108v
|Passacaglia in D Minor
|Passacaglia in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \key d \minor \time 3/2 << \relative f'' { r4 f~f e2. r4 g8 a f4 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d~d2 cis r4 e~e } \\ \relative a' { r4 a4~1 r4 a~a }>></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 \key d \minor \time 3/2 << \relative f'' { r4 f~f e2. r4 g8 a f4 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d~d2 cis r4 e~e } \\ \relative a' { r4 a4~1 r4 a~a }>>}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:2]]
|Praeludium manualiter in G Major
|Praeludium manualiter in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g'' { g8 a16 g fis a g fis g b a g fis e d cis d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g'' { g8 a16 g fis a g fis g b a g fis e d cis d }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.58-65<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Praeludium manualiter in G Minor
|Praeludium manualiter in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g'' { g16 aes g f ees d c bes a g fis g~ g32 a }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g'' { g16 aes g f ees d c bes a g fis g~ g32 a }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.72-74<br>[[US-NH LM 4983]] p.1-3<br>[[S-Uu Instr. Mus. i. hs. 410]] p.72-73<br>[[D-B 30194]] (5) p. 1-2
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g' { g8. a16 b fis g d e fis b, d a }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g' { g8. a16 b fis g d e fis b, d a }}</score>
|[[Möller Manuscript]] f.47-48<br>[[D-LEm S 4]] p.1-2
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative g { <g g, d''>1 r16 g fis g d g b, d g,2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \relative g { <g g, d''>1 r16 g fis g d g b, d g,2 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.100-105<br>[[D-B 40268]] p.64-66
|Canzona in C Major
|Canzona in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c' { c16 e d e f g f e d f e f g }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c' { c16 e d e f g f e d f e f g }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:6]]
|Canzonetta in C Major
|Canzonetta in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g' { \repeat unfold 2 \repeat tremolo 4 { g8} a8 a e f g e f d e  }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g' { \repeat unfold 2 \repeat tremolo 4 { g8} a8 a e f g e f d e  }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.48-51<br>[[D-LEm Becker II.2.51]] f.1v-3r<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Canzona in D Minor
|Canzona in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { a2 d,8 d' c bes a16 bes c8 f,16 g a8 d, }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative a' { a2 d,8 d' c bes a16 bes c8 f,16 g a8 d, }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:9]]
|Canzonetta in E Minor
|Canzonetta in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative b' { r8 b e, fis g16 fis g a g8. fis16 e8 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative b' { r8 b e, fis g16 fis g a g8. fis16 e8 }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:8]]
|Canzona in G Major
|Canzona in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative d'' { d16 e d c b g' f g e f d e c }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \relative d'' { d16 e d c b g' f g e f d e c }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.29-30<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Canzonetta in G Major
|Canzonetta in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { \repeat tremolo 2 d16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 e16 \repeat tremolo 2 a,16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 g16 \repeat tremolo 2 d'16 \repeat tremolo 2 fis,16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { \repeat tremolo 2 d16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 e16 \repeat tremolo 2 a,16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 g16 \repeat tremolo 2 d'16 \repeat tremolo 2 fis,16 }}</score>
|[[US-NH LM 4983]] p.6-7
|Canzonetta in G Major
|Canzonetta in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { r16 d d d e d e b c b c a d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { r16 d d d e d e b c b c a d }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:1]]
|Canzona in G Minor
|Canzona in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \relative d'' { d4. g16 d ees c g' c, d bes g' bes, c }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \relative d'' { d4. g16 d ees c g' c, d bes g' bes, c }}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.61v-62v
|Fuga in C Major
|Fuga in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 12/8 \relative c' { r4 c8 g' a g e4 e8 a bes a g4 g8 c4 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 12/8 \relative c' { r4 c8 g' a g e4 e8 a bes a g4 g8 c4 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.117-119
|Fuga in G Major
|Fuga in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { d4 d8 d e d16 c b8 b16 c d8 a d c <b g> }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { d4 d8 d e d16 c b8 b16 c d8 a d c <b g> }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.38-42<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Fuga in B-flat Major
|Fuga in B-flat Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 16 16 8 16 16 g8 aes16 g f g ees f d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 16 16 8 16 16 g8 aes16 g f g ees f d }}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[D-B 11419]] p.101-102
|Ach Gott und Herr (2 Versus)
|Ach Gott und Herr (2 Versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative f' { r4 f8 e f g a b c } \\ { d'1 c'8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative f' { r4 f8 e f g a b c } \\ { d'1 c'8 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.141-142
|Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
|Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative e' { s1 s r2 e a } \\ \relative e { r1 r2 e a2. g4 f2 }  \\ \\ \relative b { r2 b2 e2. d4 c1~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass << \relative e' { s1 s r2 e a } \\ \relative e { r1 r2 e a2. g4 f2 }  \\ \\ \relative b { r2 b2 e2. d4 c1~4 } >>}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.356-358
|Auf meinen lieben Gott
|Auf meinen lieben Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \relative e' { \partial 8 e8 e4. fis8 g8 g32 a b16 a8. g32 a b2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \relative e' { \partial 8 e8 e4. fis8 g8 g32 a b16 a8. g32 a b2 }}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.113-114
|Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
|Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d' { d2~8 e32 f g16 f8. e16 f2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d' { d2~8 e32 f g16 f8. e16 f2 }}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.77-78<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]
|Danket dem Herren (3 Versus)
|Danket dem Herren (3 Versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor << \relative g' { g1 bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c16 b c8 d ees4~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor << \relative g' { g1 bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c16 b c8 d ees4~4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.64-66<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.104-106<br>[[Ms. fol. Sp. 1440]]
|Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich
|Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key g \major <<\relative g' { r2 g g g2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g8 a b c~c b c4 } \\ \relative b { r2 r4 b8 c d e d4 e4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \key g \major <<\relative g' { r2 g g g2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g8 a b c~c b c4 } \\ \relative b { r2 r4 b8 c d e d4 e4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.151-152
|Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt
|Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a1 a2 a } \\ \relative d' { r4 d cis d a cis d } \\ \relative f' { r4 f e f cis e f2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a1 a2 a } \\ \relative d' { r4 d cis d a cis d } \\ \relative f' { r4 f e f cis e f2 } >>}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.305-306
|Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
|Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r16 c d e c e b d c2 c4~16}</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c'' { r16 c d e c e b d c2 c4~16}}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.318
|Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
|Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \relative g' { r16 g bes g d' a bes fis g4~16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \relative g' { r16 g bes g d' a bes fis g4~16 }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.157-158<br>[[D-B 30245]] p. 95-96<br>[[Ms. fol. Sp. 1439]]
|Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
|Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { r8 a g8. fis16 g2 g g g4. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative a' { r8 a g8. fis16 g2 g g g4. }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.295-296
|Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl
|Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative e' { r4 e e d8 c b4 e4~8 } \\ \relative c' { r4 c c b8 a g2 a4 } \\ \relative g' { g1 g4. a16 g f8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major << \relative e' { r4 e e d8 c b4 e4~8 } \\ \relative c' { r4 c c b8 a g2 a4 } \\ \relative g' { g1 g4. a16 g f8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B Bach P 802]] p.57-69
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto << \relative d' { d2 d4 d e2 d r8 } \\ \relative g { r1 r4 g g g a2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto << \relative d' { d2 d4 d e2 d r8 } \\ \relative g { r1 r4 g g g a2 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.72-73<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.100-101
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative b { r16 b c d g, d' e fis g2 g } \\ \relative g' { r2 r8 g e c r <c e> <b d> <g b> } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative b { r16 b c d g, d' e fis g2 g } \\ \relative g' { r2 r8 g e c r <c e> <b d> <g b> } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.70-71
|Gott der Vater wohn uns bei
|Gott der Vater wohn uns bei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g' { g4 g a b c c b } \\ \relative c' { c4 c~c b a2 g4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e4 e fis g~g fis g } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative g' { g4 g a b c c b } \\ \relative c' { c4 c~c b a2 g4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e4 e fis g~g fis g } >>}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.99-100
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << {g'1 g'2 b'2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r4 b c4. d8 e b e4~e8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major << {g'1 g'2 b'2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r4 b c4. d8 e b e4~e8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.22-23<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.197-198
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \key g \major << \relative g' { g2 g4. a8 b2 } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d e4 d8 c b } \\ \relative fis' { s2 s4. fis8 g4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 \key g \major << \relative g' { g2 g4. a8 b2 } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d e4 d8 c b } \\ \relative fis' { s2 s4. fis8 g4. } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiß gar wohl
|Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiß gar wohl
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 << \relative a' { a2 a gis a } \\ \relative d' { s2 r4 d8 c b a b4 a4 } \\ \relative a' { r4 a8 g f e f e d c d4 c4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 << \relative a' { a2 a gis a } \\ \relative d' { s2 r4 d8 c b a b4 a4 } \\ \relative a' { r4 a8 g f e f e d c d4 c4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Ich dank dir, lieber Herre
|Ich dank dir, lieber Herre
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \clef alto \relative f' { \partial 2 <f c a>2 4 4 <f d a>4 <g d~ g,~> <e d g,>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major \clef alto \relative f' { \partial 2 <f c a>2 4 4 <f d a>4 <g d~ g,~> <e d g,>8 }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Ich dank dir shon durch deinen Sohn
|Ich dank dir shon durch deinen Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 4/2 \key f \major \relative c' { c1 2 2 f1. d2 e1. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 4/2 \key f \major \relative c' { c1 2 2 f1. d2 e1. }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a1 } \\ \relative a, { r16 \clef bass a16 b cis d e f g a cis, d e f g a d, } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a1 } \\ \relative a, { r16 \clef bass a16 b cis d e f g a cis, d e f g a d, } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.96-97<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.103
|In dulci jubilo
|In dulci jubilo
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 a4 b8 c b2. } \\ \relative d' { d2 e1 d2~2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 a4 b8 c b2. } \\ \relative d' { d2 e1 d2~2. } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.162
|Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod
|Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \clef alto << \relative g' { g2 g  } \\ \relative c' { r2 r16 c b a g8 } \\ \relative f' { r16 f ees d c8 d ees d16 c bes8  } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major \clef alto << \relative g' { g2 g  } \\ \relative c' { r2 r16 c b a g8 } \\ \relative f' { r16 f ees d c8 d ees d16 c bes8  } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.165-166
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative c' { r16 c d e f g a bes c2 d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major \relative c' { r16 c d e f g a bes c2 d }}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.167-168
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << { c''1} \\ \relative e' { r16 <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a>8 <e g> <f a>2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major << { c''1} \\ \relative e' { r16 <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a>8 <e g> <f a>2 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.179-180
|Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn
|Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { d2 4 4 g2. fis4 g } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g g g d'2~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { d2 4 4 g2. fis4 g } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g g g d'2~4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.100<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.101
|Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich
|Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \partial 4 \relative g { g4 d' d d d e d8. c16 b4. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \partial 4 \relative g { g4 d' d d d e d8. c16 b4. }}</score>
|[[B-Bc 26659]] p.3-6
|Magnificat primi toni
|Magnificat primi toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \relative d' { d16 e f g a b cis d e f g a r16 e,}</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key d \minor \relative d' { d16 e f g a b cis d e f g a r16 e,}}</score>
|[[D-B 30280]] p.26<br>[[D-LEm Becker III.8.26]]
|Magnificat primi toni
|Magnificat primi toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \clef bass \relative e { r16 e f g f a g bes a d cis e d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key d \minor \clef bass \relative e { r16 e f g f a g bes a d cis e d }}</score>
|[[D-B 30280]] p.27<br>[[D-LEm Becker III.8.26]]
|Magnificat noni toni
|Magnificat noni toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { r4 d f2~4 e8 d e4 } \\ \relative a { r2 r4 a c2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key d \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { r4 d f2~4 e8 d e4 } \\ \relative a { r2 r4 a c2. } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.96
|Mensch, willt du leben seliglich
|Mensch, willt du leben seliglich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative b { r4 b c2~4 b8. a16 b8} \\ \relative e { e2. fis4 g2 gis8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass << \relative b { r4 b c2~4 b8. a16 b8} \\ \relative e { e2. fis4 g2 gis8 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.98-99, p.102-103<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.35-39<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]
|Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (4 versus)
|Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (4 versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< {a'1} \\ \relative g' { r16 g f e f g f e f8 e16 d e4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< {a'1} \\ \relative g' { r16 g f e f g f e f8 e16 d e4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.181
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 << \relative g' { g4. fis16 g a2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r8 <b g> <e c>4~8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 << \relative g' { g4. fis16 g a2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r8 <b g> <e c>4~8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.182
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g' { g1 a2 a } \\ \relative b { r2 <b d> <c~ e> <c d> } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative g' { g1 a2 a } \\ \relative b { r2 <b d> <c~ e> <c d> } >>}</score>
|[[D-B Bach P 802]] p.17-37
|Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein
|Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g { r8 r16 fis g a b c b g a b c }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g { r8 r16 fis g a b c b g a b c }}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p. 6-7<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p. 25
|Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
|Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key g \minor << \relative g' { g2 g8. bes16 a8. g16 f2 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d ees2 d4 a } \\ \\ \relative bes { r4 bes4~8 g c bes a g f } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \key g \minor << \relative g' { g2 g8. bes16 a8. g16 f2 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d ees2 d4 a } \\ \\ \relative bes { r4 bes4~8 g c bes a g f } >>}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 c1 b2 a1 } \\ \relative g' { g2 g a g g f } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 e1 e2 c1 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 c1 b2 a1 } \\ \relative g' { g2 g a g g f } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 e1 e2 c1 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 2681/2]] p.82-87<br>[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.40-41, p.44-45<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.70-74<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (3 versus)
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (3 versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 fis2 e1*1/4 } \\ \relative g { g4 g8 a b4 g b c d fis,8 g a4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 fis2 e1*1/4 } \\ \relative g { g4 g8 a b4 g b c d fis,8 g a4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.42-43<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.74-76<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]<br>[[Ms. fol. Sp. 1439]] p.28-29
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \clef alto \relative c' { r2 r2 c c2. d8 c b2 a2. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/2 \clef alto \relative c' { r2 r2 c c2. d8 c b2 a2. }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 } \\ \relative c' { r8 c e c b2~8 b cis4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 } \\ \relative c' { r8 c e c b2~8 b cis4 } >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.110r
|O lux beata trinitas (frag.)
|O lux beata trinitas (frag.)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { e8 b g e d d' d d c2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative e'' { e8 b g e d d' d d c2 }}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p. 69<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p. 106
|Puer natus in Bethlehem
|Puer natus in Bethlehem
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 r2 r2 << \relative a' { a2 a1 a2 b2. } \\ \relative c' { c2 c1 a2~a1 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 1 d4 e f2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/2 r2 r2 << \relative a' { a2 a1 a2 b2. } \\ \relative c' { c2 c1 a2~a1 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 1 d4 e f2 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B Bach P 801]] p.333-353<br>[[D-LÜmh Mus. U 212]]<br>[[Lost BuxWV 218 Manuscript]]
|Te Deum laudamus
|Te Deum laudamus
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative b' { r16 b c d e b c a c e d c b }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/4 \relative b' { r16 b c d e b c a c e d c b }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.104-105<br>[[D-B 30280]] p.5
|Vater unser im Himmelreich
|Vater unser im Himmelreich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a1 a4. } \\ \relative d' { r4 d2 cis4 r4 a4*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative f' { r4 f4 e2 r4 e2*1/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a1 a4. } \\ \relative d' { r4 d2 cis4 r4 a4*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative f' { r4 f4 e2 r4 e2*1/4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.200
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \partial 4 << \relative a { a4 e' fis g4. g8 c, } \\ \relative e { r4 r2 r4 e a } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \partial 4 << \relative a { a4 e' fis g4. g8 c, } \\ \relative e { r4 r2 r4 e a } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.199-200
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative e' { r16 e fis gis a8 gis16 a b16 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r16 c b a gis8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 4 << \relative e' { r16 e fis gis a8 gis16 a b16 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r16 c b a gis8 } >>}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.311<br>[[D-B 30280]] p.2
|Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit
|Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a2. b4 c2 cis d e } \\ \relative c' { r4 c f2 a1~a2. g4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a2. b4 c2 cis d e } \\ \relative c' { r4 c f2 a1~a2. g4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/2]] p.1-5
|Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
|Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \clef bass g,1. << \relative a' { r4 \clef treble a g fis a fis }\\ {d1.} >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 6/4 \clef bass g,1. << \relative a' { r4 \clef treble a g fis a fis }\\ {d1.} >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.148
|Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \time 3/2 << \relative a { a2 a a d1 e2 f4 g f e d } \\ \relative d { s1. s1. d2 d d } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \time 3/2 << \relative a { a2 a a d1 e2 f4 g f e d } \\ \relative d { s1. s1. d2 d d } >>}</score>
|[[S-N Finspong 1136:2]] p.1-2
|Canzonetta in A Minor
|Canzonetta in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { a16 a' gis a b, a' gis a c, a' gis a d, }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative a' { a16 a' gis a b, a' gis a c, a' gis a d, }}</score>
=== Organ works in BuxWV anh. ===
[[File:Buxtehude Sonata.jpg|thumb|right|The opening to BuxWV anh. 5]]
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Caption text
! Sources !! BuxWV<ref name="buxwv"></ref> !! Title !! Incipit !! Notes !! Ref.
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative g' { r16 g a b } << { <e' g' c''>4 r16 } \\ { r16 \clef bass <c>16~ <c e>~ <c e g>~ <c e g c>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
| [[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.81-83 || anh.5 || Sonata a 2 Clavir Pedal || <score><< \relative a' { \time 2/2 r2 a2~ a4 a a2 } \\ \relative d' { d2. d4 d2. cis4 } \\ \\ \relative f' { f2. f4 f2 e } >></score> || It is theorized that this is an organ transcription of an instrumental trio sonata by Buxtehude.{{Citation needed}} ||
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative c'' { c8. 16 <c g e>4 r16 g c e d2 r16 } \\ \relative c' { s4 s c4~8 a b4 c4*1/4 } \\ \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c c,4 r16 f' g a g8. f16 e4*1/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|  || anh.11 || Erhalt uns Herr, bei deinem Wort || || ||  
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative c'' { c8. 16 <c~ g e>4 c16 d e f e e d c g' } \\ \relative c' { r4 c8. b16 c4~4 b \bar "" } >></nowiki></ref>
=== Notable works not included in BuxWV ===
{| class="wikitable"
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative e'' { r8 e <e c g>4~ e16 f e d c8 g' f8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative g' { r16 g a b <c g e>4~ c16 c b a g a g f e }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative c'' { c8. 16 <c g>2 r8 e16 a, b8. } \\ \relative e' { r4 e2 c4 g } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in D
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key d \major << \relative d'' { d8. 16 d4. cis16 d e4~16 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d d,4~8 d cis4 \bar "" } \\ \relative fis' { r4 <fis a>4. r8 <g a>4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key d \minor << \relative d'' { d8. 16 4~16 e d cis d8 a8~16 a bes c bes8.*2/3 } \\ \relative d'' { r4 r8 d,8 e4 f fis g8 } \\ \relative f' { r4 <f d a'>4 g a d d4.*1/3 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \ottava #-1 \partial 4 << \relative d' { r8 d d4~16 f e g f4~16 a g bes a4 } \\ \relative d { r4 r8 d4. r8 d4 e8 f4 } \\ \relative f { r4 r4 f8 g a2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \partial 4 \relative e' { e8. 16 <e b g>4~ e16 fis g a <b g>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key e \minor << \relative b' { b8. 16 4~16 b c d c4 r16 fis, b a g8 } \\ \relative e' { s4 <e g>4 e r16 a fis e dis4 r16 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key e \minor << \relative e' { e8. 16 e4. fis8 g e b'4~4. } \\ \relative g { s4 <g b>4. s8 s4. b8 e } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \partial 4 \relative f' { f8. 16 <f c a>4~ f16 f' e d c8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \partial 4 \relative f' { f8. 16 <f c a>4~ f16 e f g a8 f16 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in G
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative d' { \partial 4 r16 d e fis <g d b>4 r16 g fis e d4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \partial 4 \relative d'' { d8. 16 <d bes g>4 r16 d g, bes a4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \partial 4 \relative g' { g8. 16 <g d bes>4~ g16 ees d c d g bes g c,  }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in A
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \major \partial 4 \relative a' { a8. 16 <a e cis>4~ a16 a gis fis e4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \minor \partial 4 \relative a' { a8. 16 c,16~ <c e>16~ <c e a>8~16 a' gis a b4  }</nowiki></ref>
|Courant simble in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \partial 8 << \relative a' { a8 <a e c>4. b8 c4 a c4. } \\ \relative a { s8 a2~8 g f4 <e g> } >></nowiki></ref>
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 << \relative c'' { c2. d4 e2 b2. a4 g2 } \\ \relative c' { c1 2 r4 g2.~4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2. f4 g2 g2 d4 c b2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Aria: More Palatino
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { c4 g c d e } \\ \relative e' { r4 e4~8 a a b c4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Aria Rofilis
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative d' { d8 e f4 d a' d8. e16 cis2 }</nowiki></ref>
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \clef alto \relative c' { c4 d8. c32 d e4 r8 b e }</nowiki></ref>
|Partite diverse una Aria d'Inventione detta La Capricciosa
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { d4 d8. c32 d e4.~32 d c b a8. }</nowiki></ref>
|7 Klavier-Suiten
|Trio Sonate I in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative c'' { <c a f,>4 r8 8 <c bes e,,>4 r8 8 <c a f,>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate II in G
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative b' { <b g>2 r8 <b g> <c a> <d b> <c a>2 r8 8 8  }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate III in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r4 <c e,>2 <b d,>8 <a c,>8 4 8 <b d,> <gis b,>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate IV in B-Flat
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative f'' { s4 r8 \clef treble f16 16 4 r4 } \\ \relative bes, { \clef bass bes8 bes' a4 bes \clef bass d, } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate V in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { r4 c16 c c c g'4 r8 } \\ \relative c { c8 c'16 b c8 a b g c } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VI in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key f \major << \relative a' { <a f>4 r8 <a e>8 <a f> <a cis,> <a d,>8. <g e>16 <a cis,>r } \\ \relative d' { d4 r8 cis d a bes4 a4*1/2 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VII in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \relative b' { b8. c16 b c b a g8 e c'16 b a c b8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate I in B-Flat Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \key bes \major \time 6/8 \relative bes, { bes16 bes' a g f ees d c bes c d }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate II in D Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \partial 2 << \relative d'' { d2~4 cis8 b cis2 d1\fermata } \\ \relative d' { <d fis>2 <e g>1 <d fis>\fermata } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate III in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key f \major << \relative g' { r4 r8 g g g g8. fis16 g4 } \\ \relative g { g8 a bes g c a d d, g } >></nowiki></ref>
! Source !! Title !! Incipt !! Notes !! Ref.
|Trio Sonate IV in C Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key c \minor << \relative d'' { r8 d ees f ees f g4. } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d c d es4. } >></nowiki></ref>
| [[D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 209]] No.45 || Nun freuet / Euch Lieben Chri- /<br>sten Gemein. / Auf 2. Clavier || <score>\relative d' { \key a \major d1 d2 a d cis~ cis4 }</score> || This chorale fantasia has been theoried to be a young composition by Buxtehude by [[Pieter Dirksen]]. || <ref>[[Pieter Dirksen|Dirksen, Pieter]] (editor), ''Dietrich Buxtehude(?): Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein.'' Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2006. Introduction: [], accessed 14 August, 2023.</ref><ref>{{RISM|450101448}}</ref>
|Trio Sonate V in A
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 12/8 \key a \major << \relative e'' { r4 e8 4 8 cis8 e cis a4 } \\ \relative a { a4. gis a r4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VI in E
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \major << \relative b' { b4. e16 dis e2~8 fis16 e e8 } \\ \relative e' { <e gis>2. <gis b>4 <fis a>2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VII in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative f' { <f c'>2. 4 1 r4 c d e }</nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g'' { g2 a4 g f2 e } \\ \relative c' { c2 c4. b8 a4 b c4. } \\ \relative e'' { e2 c4 d e d d c } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in D
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \partial 2 \relative fis' { fis2 e4. fis16 g a8 g g8. fis16 2\laissezVibrer }</nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in D
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key d \major << \relative d' { d2 e fis8 a16 16 8 8 } \\ \relative d { d2. cis4 d2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative f' { f16 g f g a g a f c' d bes c a } \\ \relative f' { f2 e4 f8. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative c'' { c8 16 16 8 16 16 a8 f } \\ \relative f' { f4 e f } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in G
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \clef alto << \relative g' { r2 r4 r8 fis16 fis g4 } \\ \relative g { g4 b c a g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { e4 e e e e8 f d8. } \\ \relative a' { a4 b c a f g } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in B-Flat (mit der Suite)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key bes \major << \relative bes' { bes8. 16 4~16 16 a g f8 } \\ \relative bes' { r4 bes8 bes, c4 d8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonaten a 2 und 3 Violini und Viola da Gamba cum continuo zur Kirchen
|Sonatina forte con molti violini doi Oboi

== References ==
== References ==
''See notes''
''See notes''
[[Category:Persons|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Composers|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Baroque Composers|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Organists|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Baroque|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Norddeutsche Orgelschule|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:WVlist pages|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]

Latest revision as of 02:01, 21 January 2024

"The Musical Party" by Johannes Voorhout. Buxtehude is now thought to be playing the Viola de Gamba. Jean-Adam Reincken is playing the harpsichord.

Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)

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WVlist Notes

Organist in Marienkirche, Lübeck. BuxWV numbers are taken from Sämtliche Orgelwerke, edited by Klaus Beckman, New Edition/Revised New Edition (EB 6661-6664)
-William Rehwinkel, Feb 18, 2022

Beckman notes that the catalogue BuxWV is from G. Karstädt (Breitkops & Härtel, Wiesbaden)
-William Rehwinkel, Feb 18, 2022

Full BuxWV catalogue is written in Georg Karstädt: "Dietrich Buxtehude: Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (BuxWV)" Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1985.
-William Rehwinkel, Feb 24, 2022

-Anonymous, Mar 12, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, Mar 17, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, Mar 18, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, Mar 20, 2022

-Anonymous, Mar 22, 2022

-WR, May 4, 2022

-WR, May 4, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, May 9, 2022

-Anonymous, May 12, 2022

-Anonymous, May 12, 2022

-wr, May 23, 2022

-Anonymous, Sep 30, 2022

Organ Works


Compositions by Buxtehude are classified according to Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (BuxWV). Before this, the works would typically be referred to by their location in the edition by Philipp Spitta, for example "Sp.I:1", or "Erg." for the Ergänzungsband[1].

Organ Works in BuxWV Catalogue

Sources[2] BuxWV[3] Title Incipit
D-KA Aa 36 V Nr. 48 76 Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
{\time 4/2 <<\relative d' { d1 a'2 a g } \\ \relative a { r4 a f a8 b c2. d8 c bes2   } \\ \relative f' { r2 r4 f e f8 g a4 f g2  } >>}
Lowell Mason Codex p.137-141 136 Praeludium in C Major
{<< \relative g { r16 g a b c d e f g e f g a } \\ \relative g { r8 r16 g a b c d e c d e f } >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.111v-113v 137 Praeludium in C Major
{\clef bass \relative c { r16 c e c g'8 g, r g c c, r4 }}
US-NH LM 4838 p.65-67 138 Praeludium in C Major
{\relative c'' { r16 c b a g e f g c, d e f g }}
Schmahl Organ Tablatures (4) p.4-5
S-L Wenster U:6
D-B 2681 p.13-17
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
139 Praeludium in D Major
{<< \relative a' { r8 r16 a d fis d a a'8 r8 r4 r8 } \\ \relative d' { s2 r16 d fis a d a fis d d'8 } >>}
D-B 2681 p.18-22
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p.1-5
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
140 Praeludium in D Minor
{\relative g' { r16 <g e'> <a f'> <g e'> <f d'> <g e'> <f d'> <e cis'> <f d'> }}
D-B 2681 p.23-28
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p.6-9
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
141 Praeludium in E Major
{\key e \major \relative b' { r16 b cis dis e b cis b32 a b16 a32 gis e'16~32 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.92-99
S-L Wenster N:5
D-B 2681 p.1-7
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
142 Praeludium in E Minor
{\key e \minor \relative e' { r16 e g b g e c' a b e cis dis e }}
D-B Fot. Bü 227 (Foto 535-538) p.1-4
D-B 2681 p.43-47
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
143 Praeludium in E Minor
{\key e \minor \clef bass \relative e, { e4~16 e' dis e b b' a b e,8 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.134-137 144 Praeludium in F Major
{\clef bass \key f \major {f16 bes a bes g c' bes c' } \clef treble << \relative c' { c16 f e f d } \\ {a4 bes8} >>}
D-B 30381 No. 3
D-B 2681 p.31-37
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
145 Praeludium in F Major
{\relative f'' { r16 e f e f c d bes c a bes g a }}
B-Bc 26659 f.22v-24v
D-DS 1462/1 p.1-7
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
D-LEm Becker III.8.6 p.1-7
A-Wn Mus. Hs. 5011 p.1
146 Praeludium in F-Sharp Minor
{\key fis \minor \relative fis'' { \repeat percent 4 { fis16 a eis gis } fis16 }}
S-L Engelhart 216 147 Preludium in G Major
{\clef bass \relative g { r8 g fis16 g e fis d g b, d c g' a, }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.120-125
Grobe Tablature
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p1.5
148 Praeludium in G Minor
{\key g \minor << \relative d'' { r16 d ees c d bes c a bes g a fis g } \\ \relative d' { r4 r16 d ees c d bes c a bes } >>}
S-L Wenster U:5
D-B 2681 p.75-81
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
149 Praeludium in G Minor
{\key g \minor \relative g'' { \tuplet 6/4 4 { r16 fis g a g fis g cis, d e d cis d }}}
Andreas Bach Book f. 6, 53, 54r 150 Praeludium in G Minor
{\clef alto \key g \minor \relative g { g8. 16 a g a32 g a fis g16 d bes' g d' }}
Schmahl Organ Tablatures (1)
Möller Manuscript f.47-48
151 Praeludium in A Major
{\key a \major \relative e'' { e8. a16 cis, d e b cis d a b cis }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.84-87 152 Praeludium quarti toni
{\relative e'' { e8 d16 c b c d e gis, a b a gis }}
D-B 2681 p.8-12
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
153 Praeludium in A minor
{\clef alto << \relative e' { r2 e16 a gis b a } \\ \relative e { e16 a gis b a c b d c8 b16 d c } >>}
Lowell Mason Codex p.142-147 155 Toccata in D Minor
{\relative d'' { d8. a16 bes a f g } << \relative a' { <a f>4 }\\ \relative cis' {r16 cis d d, } >>}
D-B 2681 p.66-71
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p.10-15
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659 f.18r-20r
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
156 Toccata in F Major
{\relative c' { r32 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a16 }}
BuxWV 157 Manuscript 157 Toccata in F Major
{\relative f' { f16 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a c, d e f }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.88-91 158 Praeambulum in A Minor
{\relative e'' { e4. d16 c b8 c16 d gis,8 a16 b e,4 }}
Andreas Bach Book f.33v-35r
D-B 30069 p.42-43
159 Ciacona in C Minor
{\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative c'' { r8 c16 b c4. d8 b8 } \\ \relative e' {r8 ees16 d ees8. d16 c4 d8 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g f g8 } >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.91-92v 160 Ciacona in E Minor
{\key e \minor \time 3/4 << \relative a' { r8 a b4. c8~8 } \\ \relative a { r4 r r8 a b } \\ \relative fis' { r4 r8 fis g4 fis8 }  >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.107v-108v 161 Passacaglia in D Minor
{\partial 2 \key d \minor \time 3/2 << \relative f'' { r4 f~f e2. r4 g8 a f4 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d~d2 cis r4 e~e } \\ \relative a' { r4 a4~1 r4 a~a }>>}
S-L Wenster N:2 162 Praeludium manualiter in G Major
{\relative g'' { g8 a16 g fis a g fis g b a g fis e d cis d }}
D-B 2681 p.58-65
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
163 Praeludium manualiter in G Minor
{\relative g'' { g16 aes g f ees d c bes a g fis g~ g32 a }}
D-B 2681 p.72-74
US-NH LM 4983 p.1-3
S-Uu Instr. Mus. i. hs. 410 p.72-73
D-B 30194 (5) p. 1-2
164 Toccata manualiter in G Major
{\relative g' { g8. a16 b fis g d e fis b, d a }}
Möller Manuscript f.47-48
D-LEm S 4 p.1-2
165 Toccata manualiter in G Major
{\clef bass \relative g { <g g, d''>1 r16 g fis g d g b, d g,2 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.100-105
D-B 40268 p.64-66
166 Canzona in C Major
{\relative c' { c16 e d e f g f e d f e f g }}
S-L Wenster N:6 167 Canzonetta in C Major
{\relative g' { \repeat unfold 2 \repeat tremolo 4 { g8} a8 a e f g e f d e  }}
D-B 2681 p.48-51
D-LEm Becker II.2.51 f.1v-3r
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
168 Canzona in D Minor
{\relative a' { a2 d,8 d' c bes a16 bes c8 f,16 g a8 d, }}
S-L Wenster N:9 169 Canzonetta in E Minor
{\relative b' { r8 b e, fis g16 fis g a g8. fis16 e8 }}
S-L Wenster N:8 170 Canzona in G Major
{\key g \major \relative d'' { d16 e d c b g' f g e f d e c }}
D-B 2681 p.29-30
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
171 Canzonetta in G Major
{\relative d'' { \repeat tremolo 2 d16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 e16 \repeat tremolo 2 a,16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 g16 \repeat tremolo 2 d'16 \repeat tremolo 2 fis,16 }}
US-NH LM 4983 p.6-7 172 Canzonetta in G Major
{\relative d'' { r16 d d d e d e b c b c a d }}
S-L Wenster N:1 173 Canzona in G Minor
{\key g \minor \relative d'' { d4. g16 d ees c g' c, d bes g' bes, c }}
Andreas Bach Book f.61v-62v 174 Fuga in C Major
{\time 12/8 \relative c' { r4 c8 g' a g e4 e8 a bes a g4 g8 c4 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.117-119 175 Fuga in G Major
{\relative d'' { d4 d8 d e d16 c b8 b16 c d8 a d c <b g> }}
D-B 2681 p.38-42
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
176 Fuga in B-flat Major
{\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 16 16 8 16 16 g8 aes16 g f g ees f d }}
Plauen Organ Book
D-B 11419 p.101-102
177 Ach Gott und Herr (2 Versus)
{<< \relative f' { r4 f8 e f g a b c } \\ { d'1 c'8 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.141-142
178 Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
{\clef bass << \relative e' { s1 s r2 e a } \\ \relative e { r1 r2 e a2. g4 f2 }  \\ \\ \relative b { r2 b2 e2. d4 c1~4 } >>}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.356-358 179 Auf meinen lieben Gott
{\key e \minor \relative e' { \partial 8 e8 e4. fis8 g8 g32 a b16 a8. g32 a b2 }}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.113-114 180 Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
{\relative d' { d2~8 e32 f g16 f8. e16 f2 }}
Plauen Organ Book
D-B 30245 p.77-78
D-B Bach P 806
181 Danket dem Herren (3 Versus)
{\key g \minor << \relative g' { g1 bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c16 b c8 d ees4~4 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.64-66
D-B 22541/2 p.104-106
Ms. fol. Sp. 1440
182 Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich
{\clef alto \key g \major <<\relative g' { r2 g g g2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g8 a b c~c b c4 } \\ \relative b { r2 r4 b8 c d e d4 e4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.151-152
183 Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt
{<< \relative a' { a1 a2 a } \\ \relative d' { r4 d cis d a cis d } \\ \relative f' { r4 f e f cis e f2 } >>}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.305-306 184 Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
{\relative c'' { r16 c d e c e b d c2 c4~16}}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.318
185 Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
{\key g \minor \relative g' { r16 g bes g d' a bes fis g4~16 }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.157-158
D-B 30245 p. 95-96
Ms. fol. Sp. 1439
186 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
{\relative a' { r8 a g8. fis16 g2 g g g4. }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.295-296
187 Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl
{\key g \major << \relative e' { r4 e e d8 c b4 e4~8 } \\ \relative c' { r4 c c b8 a g2 a4 } \\ \relative g' { g1 g4. a16 g f8 } >>}
D-B Bach P 802 p.57-69 188 Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
{\clef alto << \relative d' { d2 d4 d e2 d r8 } \\ \relative g { r1 r4 g g g a2 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.72-73
D-B 22541/2 p.100-101
189 Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
{<< \relative b { r16 b c d g, d' e fis g2 g } \\ \relative g' { r2 r8 g e c r <c e> <b d> <g b> } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.70-71
190 Gott der Vater wohn uns bei
{<< \relative g' { g4 g a b c c b } \\ \relative c' { c4 c~c b a2 g4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e4 e fis g~g fis g } >>}
Plauen Organ Book
D-B 30245 p.99-100
191 Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
{\key g \major << {g'1 g'2 b'2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r4 b c4. d8 e b e4~e8 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.22-23
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.197-198
192 Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
{\partial 2 \key g \major << \relative g' { g2 g4. a8 b2 } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d e4 d8 c b } \\ \relative fis' { s2 s4. fis8 g4. } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 193 Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiß gar wohl
{\partial 2 << \relative a' { a2 a gis a } \\ \relative d' { s2 r4 d8 c b a b4 a4 } \\ \relative a' { r4 a8 g f e f e d c d4 c4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 194 Ich dank dir, lieber Herre
{\key f \major \clef alto \relative f' { \partial 2 <f c a>2 4 4 <f d a>4 <g d~ g,~> <e d g,>8 }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 195 Ich dank dir shon durch deinen Sohn
{\time 4/2 \key f \major \relative c' { c1 2 2 f1. d2 e1. }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 196 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
{<< \relative a' { a1 } \\ \relative a, { r16 \clef bass a16 b cis d e f g a cis, d e f g a d, } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.96-97
D-B 22541/2 p.103
197 In dulci jubilo
{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 a4 b8 c b2. } \\ \relative d' { d2 e1 d2~2. } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.162 198 Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod
{\key f \major \clef alto << \relative g' { g2 g  } \\ \relative c' { r2 r16 c b a g8 } \\ \relative f' { r16 f ees d c8 d ees d16 c bes8  } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.165-166 199 Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
{\key f \major \relative c' { r16 c d e f g a bes c2 d }}
D-B 22541/3 p.167-168 200 Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
{\key f \major << { c''1} \\ \relative e' { r16 <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a>8 <e g> <f a>2 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.179-180
201 Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn
{\key g \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { d2 4 4 g2. fis4 g } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g g g d'2~4 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.100
D-B 22541/2 p.101
202 Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich
{\key g \major \partial 4 \relative g { g4 d' d d d e d8. c16 b4. }}
B-Bc 26659 p.3-6 203 Magnificat primi toni
{\key d \minor \relative d' { d16 e f g a b cis d e f g a r16 e,}}
D-B 30280 p.26
D-LEm Becker III.8.26
204 Magnificat primi toni
{\key d \minor \clef bass \relative e { r16 e f g f a g bes a d cis e d }}
D-B 30280 p.27
D-LEm Becker III.8.26
205 Magnificat noni toni
{\key d \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { r4 d f2~4 e8 d e4 } \\ \relative a { r2 r4 a c2. } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.96
206 Mensch, willt du leben seliglich
{\clef bass << \relative b { r4 b c2~4 b8. a16 b8} \\ \relative e { e2. fis4 g2 gis8 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.98-99, p.102-103
D-B 30245 p.35-39
D-B Bach P 806
207 Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (4 versus)
{<< {a'1} \\ \relative g' { r16 g f e f g f e f8 e16 d e4 } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.181 208 Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
{\partial 2 << \relative g' { g4. fis16 g a2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r8 <b g> <e c>4~8 } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.182 209 Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
{<< \relative g' { g1 a2 a } \\ \relative b { r2 <b d> <c~ e> <c d> } >>}
D-B Bach P 802 p.17-37 210 Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein
{\relative g { r8 r16 fis g a b c b g a b c }}
D-B 22541/1 p. 6-7
D-B 22541/2 p. 25
211 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
{\clef alto \key g \minor << \relative g' { g2 g8. bes16 a8. g16 f2 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d ees2 d4 a } \\ \\ \relative bes { r4 bes4~8 g c bes a g f } >>}
Plauen Organ Book 212 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
{\time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 c1 b2 a1 } \\ \relative g' { g2 g a g g f } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 e1 e2 c1 } >>}
D-B 2681/2 p.82-87
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.40-41, p.44-45
D-B 30245 p.70-74
D-B Bach P 806
213 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (3 versus)
{\clef alto \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 fis2 e1*1/4 } \\ \relative g { g4 g8 a b4 g b c d fis,8 g a4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.42-43
D-B 30245 p.74-76
D-B Bach P 806
Ms. fol. Sp. 1439 p.28-29
214 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
{\time 3/2 \clef alto \relative c' { r2 r2 c c2. d8 c b2 a2. }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 215 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 } \\ \relative c' { r8 c e c b2~8 b cis4 } >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.110r 216 O lux beata trinitas (frag.)
{\relative e'' { e8 b g e d d' d d c2 }}
D-B 22541/1 p. 69
D-B 22541/2 p. 106
217 Puer natus in Bethlehem
{\time 3/2 r2 r2 << \relative a' { a2 a1 a2 b2. } \\ \relative c' { c2 c1 a2~a1 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 1 d4 e f2 } >>}
D-B Bach P 801 p.333-353
D-LÜmh Mus. U 212
Lost BuxWV 218 Manuscript
218 Te Deum laudamus
{\time 3/4 \relative b' { r16 b c d e b c a c e d c b }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.104-105
D-B 30280 p.5
219 Vater unser im Himmelreich
{<< \relative a' { a1 a4. } \\ \relative d' { r4 d2 cis4 r4 a4*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative f' { r4 f4 e2 r4 e2*1/4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.200
220 Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
{\clef alto \partial 4 << \relative a { a4 e' fis g4. g8 c, } \\ \relative e { r4 r2 r4 e a } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.199-200
221 Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
{\partial 4 << \relative e' { r16 e fis gis a8 gis16 a b16 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r16 c b a gis8 } >>}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.311
D-B 30280 p.2
222 Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit
{<< \relative a' { a2. b4 c2 cis d e } \\ \relative c' { r4 c f2 a1~a2. g4 } >>}
D-B 22541/2 p.1-5 223 Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
{\time 6/4 \clef bass g,1. << \relative a' { r4 \clef treble a g fis a fis }\\ {d1.} >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.148 224 Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ
{\clef alto \time 3/2 << \relative a { a2 a a d1 e2 f4 g f e d } \\ \relative d { s1. s1. d2 d d } >>}
S-N Finspong 1136:2 p.1-2 225 Canzonetta in A Minor
{\relative a' { a16 a' gis a b, a' gis a c, a' gis a d, }}

Organ works in BuxWV anh.

The opening to BuxWV anh. 5
Caption text
Sources BuxWV[3] Title Incipit Notes Ref.
Lowell Mason Codex p.81-83 anh.5 Sonata a 2 Clavir Pedal
<< \relative a' { \time 2/2 r2 a2~ a4 a a2 } \\ \relative d' { d2. d4 d2. cis4 } \\ \\ \relative f' { f2. f4 f2 e } >>
It is theorized that this is an organ transcription of an instrumental trio sonata by Buxtehude.[Citation needed]
anh.11 Erhalt uns Herr, bei deinem Wort

Notable works not included in BuxWV

Source Title Incipt Notes Ref.
D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 209 No.45 Nun freuet / Euch Lieben Chri- /
sten Gemein. / Auf 2. Clavier
\relative d' { \key a \major d1 d2 a d cis~ cis4 }
This chorale fantasia has been theoried to be a young composition by Buxtehude by Pieter Dirksen. [4][5]


See notes

  1. Hedar, Josef, Dietrich Buxtehudes Orgelwerke. 372-373.
  2. Beckmann, Klaus (editor), D. Buxtehude: Sämtliche Orgelwerke. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1997.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Karstädt, Georg. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Dietrich Buxtehude. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1985.
  4. Dirksen, Pieter (editor), Dietrich Buxtehude(?): Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2006. Introduction:, accessed 14 August, 2023.
  5. RISM450101448