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[[File:"The Musical Party" by Johannes Voorhout.png|thumb|[[Musical Party (Voorhout)|"The Musical Party" by Johannes Voorhout]]. Buxtehude is now thought to be playing the Viola de Gamba. [[Jean-Adam Reincken]] is playing the harpsichord.]]
'''Dietrich Buxtehude''' (1637-1707)
'''Dietrich Buxtehude''' (1637-1707)

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== WVlist Notes ==
== WVlist Notes ==
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<blockquote><nowiki></nowiki><br>-Anonymous, Sep 30, 2022</blockquote>
<blockquote><nowiki></nowiki><br>-Anonymous, Sep 30, 2022</blockquote>

== Works ==
== Organ Works ==
=== BuxWV ===
Compositions by Buxtehude are classified according to ''Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis'' (BuxWV). Before this, the works would typically be referred to by their location in the edition by [[Philipp Spitta]], for example "Sp.I:1", or "Erg." for the ''Ergänzungsband''<ref>[[Josef Hedar|Hedar, Josef]], ''Dietrich Buxtehudes Orgelwerke''. 372-373.</ref>.
=== Organ Works in BuxWV Catalogue ===
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! Sources<ref>[[Klaus Beckmann|Beckmann, Klaus]] (editor), ''D. Buxtehude: Sämtliche Orgelwerke.'' Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1997.</ref> !! BuxWV<ref name="buxwv">Karstädt, Georg. ''Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Dietrich Buxtehude.'' Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1985.</ref> !! Title !! Incipit
|Accredite gentes, accurrite populi
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative e { r4 e g4. a16 b c4 c r4 r8 e c4. } \\ \relative c { c1 1 1*3/8  } \\ \relative e' { <e g>1~1 <e\laissezVibrer g>1*3/8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Afferte Domino gloriam honorem
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \time 3/4 << \relative f { r4 r f a4. bes8 c4 a f } \\ \relative f, { f2. f~f } >> \bar ""</nowiki></ref>
|All solch dein Güt' wir preisen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative g' { r4 g c d8 ees ees4 f8 g8 4 } \\ \relative g' { r2 r4 g c d8 ees ees4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Alles, was ihr tut mit Worten oder mit Werken
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \partial 2 << \relative b'' { b2~2 a4. g8 a2 } \\ \relative d' { d2~2 c4. b8 c2 } \\ \relative g'' { g2 e1 fis2 } \\ \relative g' { g2~2 a2~2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 3/4 << \relative d'' { d2. e4 fis2 g2. a4. } \\ \relative g { g2. 4 a2 g2. fis \bar "" } \\ \relative b' { b2. b4 c2 b2. a2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|An filius non est Dei, fons gratiae salus rei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \relative b { r4 <b d fis>4 4 4 <ais cis fis>4 4 <b d fis>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Aperite mihi portas justitiae
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative c'' { \tuplet 3/2 4 { <a c>8 <bes d> <c e> <d f> <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a> <e g> <f a>4.  } } \\ \relative f' { \tuplet 3/2 4 { f4 e8 d4 c8 bes4 c8 f4. } } >></nowiki></ref>
|Att du, Jesu, will mig höra
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \time 3/2 << \relative ees'' { r2 ees c g'2. f4 ees d ees2 } \\ \relative c' { c1. b c1.*1/3  } \\ \relative c'' { r2 c ees d2 1 c2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Beenke Mensch, das Ende, bedenke deinen Tod
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \partial 2 << \relative bes'' { bes2 bes a4. g8 fis2 g\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative g { g2 c1~2 bes } \\ \relative g'' { g4. f8 ees1 d } \\ \relative d'' { d2~2 c4. bes8 a2 bes\laissezVibrer } >></nowiki></ref>
|Befiehl dem Engel, daß er komm
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { c8. d16 e8. f16 e4 r8 e8 d } \\ \relative a' { a4 a, a c b } \\ \\ \relative a' { a8. b16 c8. d16 c8. b16 a8 a' a8. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Canite Jesu nostro citharae, cymbala, organa
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative c'' { c4. bes8 a4 g4. 8 4 <c a>4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Cantate Domino canticum novum
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative d'' { r8 \autoBeamOff d8 b g d'8. 16 b8 } \addlyrics { Can -- ta -- te Do -- mi -- no, }</nowiki></ref>
|Das neugeborne Kindelein, das herzeliebe Jesulein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a'' { <a e c>4 r8 8 8 <c e, c> <b f d>8. <a f c>16 <gis e b>8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Dein edles Herz, der Liebe Thron
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative c'' { c4 c8. b16 c2 ees8. } \\ \relative c' { c4 d ees2 g,4 } \\ \relative g' { g4 4 2 4 } \\ \relative ees' { ees4 d c2 8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Der Herr ist mit mir, darum fürchte ich mich nicht
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \clef bass c4. \clef treble \relative g'' { <g ees c,>8 <c ees, aes,,>4} << \relative c''' { <c ees,>8. <d aes>16 } \\ \relative aes { aes8 f } >> <g g'' b''>4</nowiki></ref>
|Dies ist der Tag
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative d'' { d4. 8 g4 8. f16 e4 } \\ \relative b' { b4. 8 8. c16 d4 g, } \\ \\ \relative g' { g2 e4 b c } >></nowiki></ref>
|[[D-KA Aa 36 V Nr. 48]]
|Dixit Dominus Domino meo
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g'' { <g e g, e>4 r8 8 <g c, a e>4 r8 <f c a d,> } << \relative f'' { f8 e } \\ { <d' g' b'>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Domine, salvum fac regem et exaudi nos
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key a \major \relative a'' { \partial 2 <a cis, a e a,>2 <b fis fis, d a>2 <b e, b d, gis,>2. 4 <cis e, a, cis, a>1 }</nowiki></ref>
|Drei schöne Dinge sing
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative a'' { <a f f,>4 <d, bes g>4. <e bes g>8 <f a, f>2. }</nowiki></ref>
|Du Frieden - Fürst, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor << \relative f'' { f4 fis8 g16 a bes8 d,16 ees f4~8*2 } \\ \relative bes' { bes4 a g d ees } \\ \relative d'' { d4 c bes4. c16 d g,4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Du Frieden - Fürst, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative b'' { b2~ <b g> <g e> <a fis> <b g> }</nowiki></ref>
|Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \major \relative a { \repeat tremolo 2 <a cis a' cis e>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <b d fis b d>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <gis b fis' b d>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <a cis e a cis>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <fis a fis' a cis>8 \repeat tremolo 2 <cis a' e' a cis>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Ecce, nunc benedicite Domino
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative b' { b16 c d8 a16 b c8 b g r16 g a b <c e> }</nowiki></ref>
|Eins bitte ich vom Herrn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { <e c>4 8. <d b>16 c4 r8 <c g'>8 <c a'> <c g'> <c f>8. <b g'>16 <c e>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Entreißt euch, meine Sinnen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative a { r4 r8 a f e16 d g a bes a a8 } \\ \relative d { d4 cis d bes8 g d' } >></nowiki></ref>
|Erfreue dich, Erde! Du Himmel eschall!
|Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { e8 f16 g a4 g r8 a f } \\ \relative c'' { c4~16 d c d e4 r8 a, b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Fallax mundus ornat vultus
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative ees'' { r4 ees g4. d8 ees4 g c2\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative c' { c1 c2. ees4 } \\ \\ \relative c'' { r4 c ees4. b8 c4 ees2 g4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Frohlocket mit Händen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \partial 1 \relative g' { <g c>4 <g b d>4. 8 <g b>4 <g c>4 4 } \addlyrics { Froh -- lok -- ket, froh -- lok -- ket, }</nowiki></ref>
|Fürchtet euch nicht, siehe ich verkündige euch große Freude
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative f' { f4 a c a4. g8 f4 c' }</nowiki></ref>
|Fürwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \relative c' { r8 <c g' c c ees>8 8 8 <c g' c ees g>8 8 8 8 4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Gen Himmel zu dem Vater mein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative d'' { d8 b16 d d8 g,16 d' e8 g,16 e' d g, c } \\ \relative g' { g4 b, c b8 a \bar "" } >></nowiki></ref>
|Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r4 c c g c f e d c2 }</nowiki></ref>
|Gott hilf mir, denn das Wasser geht mir bis an die Seele
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative g'' { g8 g f f <g ees>8[ 8] <f d>8 } \\ \relative c' { c2 c \bar "" } \\ \relative c' { c1\laissezVibrer } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, auf dich traue ich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 << \relative e'' { e8 e c c a a f' e d } \\ \relative a' { a2. a4 <f a> } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, ich lasse dich nicht
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative d'' { <f d>2 <ees g>2~4 <f aes>8 <ees g> <d f>2 } \\ \relative bes' { bes2 g4 ees bes1 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, nun läßt du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g'' { g4 f e2 r4 g f2 e1 } \\ \relative e'' { e4 d c2 r4 c4 c4. b8 c1 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, wenn ich nur dich hab
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative g' { r4 g4 r4 a r8 b8 b cis d2 } \addlyrics { Herr, Herr, wenn ich nur dich } \\ \relative g' { g2 fis e b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative b' { <b d>4 r8 8 8 <a c>8 8 <g b>16 <fis a> <g b>4. } \\ \relative g' { g4 r8 b, c4 d g,8 a b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herren var Gud - Der Herr erhöre dich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative b' { r4 b c b e2 } \\ \relative e' { e2 r2 r4 <e gis>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { r8 <c e>8 8 8 <b d>4 r8 b8~8 a a4. } \\ \relative c' { r8 <c g'>8 8 8 <d g>4 r8 <b e e'>8 <c e c'>2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Herzlich tut mich verlangen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { r2 r8 e a8. g16 f4 } \\ \relative a' { a2~8. g16 f8. e16 d4 } \\ \\ \relative a' { r8 a e'8. d16 c2~16 d c b } >></nowiki></ref>
|Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \relative e'' { r4 r <e g>4 <e c'> <c e>4. <d f>8 <e g>4 <e, c'> }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \partial 4 \relative c' { <c g' c e>4 <d g b d> r4 <d a' d f> <e a c e> }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich bin eine Blume zu Saron
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key a \major \relative a'' { <a cis,>4. 8 <a d,>8 8 <a e>2 4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key c \minor \relative c' { <c ees' g>2 <bes d' g> <aes c' f> <g b' f'>1 }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden und bei Christo zu sein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key c \minor << \relative ees'' { <ees g>1. <f aes>2 <ees g>2. <d f>4 <ees g>1. } \\ \relative c' { c1.~c~c } >></nowiki></ref>
|Ich halte es dafür, daß dieser Zeit Leiden der Herrlicnkeit nicht wert sei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative bes' { <bes d,>2 2 r2 <bes g> <c ees,>4 <bes d,> <a c,> <g bes,> }</nowiki></ref>
|Ich sprach in meinem Herzen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto << \relative g' { g8 e16 g g8 d16 g g8 c,16 g' f  } \\ \relative c' { c4 b a  } >></nowiki></ref>
|Ich suchte des Nachts in meinem Bette
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \key f \major << \relative d' { r4 r8 d8 d2 d8 8 8 8 8 } \\ \relative g, { g4 a bes c d g, g' } >></nowiki></ref>
|Ihr lieben Christen, freut euch nun
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major << \relative a'' { a8 16 16 d,8 a' b e,16 fis g8 fis16 e <fis d>8 } \\ \relative d' { d4 fis g e d } >></nowiki></ref>
|In dulci jubilo, nun singet und seid froh!
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \key f \major \partial 2 \relative f' { f2 <f d>1 <g e>2 <a f>2. <c g>4( <b f>2) <c g>2. } \addlyrics { In dul -- ci ju -- bi -- lo }</nowiki></ref>
|In te, Domine, speravi. Non confundar in aeternum
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative c { c8 d e c f d g g, c d] } \clef treble \relative c'' { <c g>8[ <c e,>] } \addlyrics { In te, }</nowiki></ref>
|Ist es recht, daß man dem Kaiser Zinse gebe oder night?
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 g16 a bes8 c d ees <f d>8  }</nowiki></ref>
|Je höher du bist, je mehr dich demütige
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \time 3/4 << \relative fis'' { fis4 b4. cis8 ais4 fis ais b } \\ \relative b { b4 g2 fis2 4 g } \\ \relative d'' { d2 e4 fis2 4 d } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu dulcis memoria
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/8 \key e \minor << \relative b'' { r8 b8. 16 g8 g e e4 dis16 e e8 } \\ \relative e' { e4 dis8 e4 g8 a fis4 e4.*1/3 } \\ \\ \relative g' { s4. r8 g g a fis8. e16 e4*1/2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu dulcis memoria
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative g'' { <g b>2~16 <fis a> <e g> <d fis> <cis e>8. <d fis>16 <d d>2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { g4 g' e a fis } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, komm, mein Trost und Lachen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor << \relative c''' { c4 c,8. d16 b4 r4 } \\ \relative c' { c4 aes g r4 } \\ \relative g'' { g4 g8. f16 g4 r4 } \\ \relative ees' { ees4. c8 d4 r4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meine Freud und Lust
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \key a \major << \relative c'' { <cis e>4. <b d>8 <a cis>4 <gis b>4. <gis cis>8 <a d>4 <d e,>4 <a cis>4. } \\ \relative a' { a4 e e e4. 8 d4 b'8 a e4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meine Freude, meines Herzens Weide
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor << \relative b'' { b4 g e8 e dis dis e4 fis g8 } \\ \relative e' { e2. b'4 c a g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meiner Freuden Meister
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \new Voice { \relative e' {\voiceOne  e4 e8 b'8 4 8 e8 e4. a,8 b4 g } \addlyrics { Je -- su, __ _ mei -- ner __ _ Freu -- den Mei -- ster } } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \relative e' { <e g>4 4 <dis fis>4 4 <cis g'>4. <dis fis>8 <g, g'>4 4 } } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesu, meines Lebens Leben
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative f'' { f4 cis d8. 16 c8. bes16 a8 } \\ \relative f' { f4 r8 e8 d4 g, a4*1/2 } \\ \relative f'' { d4 e f g c,4*1/2 } \\ \relative a' { a4. g8 f8 a g4 f4*1/2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Jesulein, du Tausendschön, Blümlein aus dem Himmelsgarten
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c' { <c g' c e g>8. 16 4 8. 16 4 <c e' g>8. <d d' f>16 <e c' e>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Jubilate Domino omnis terra
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major << \relative a' { r8 a16 b a8. g16 fis8 16 16 8 g16 a d,8 } \\ \relative d' { d4 cis d4. e16 fis g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Klinget mit Freuden, ihr klaren Klarieren (BuxWV 119)
|Kommst du, kommst du, Licht der Heiden
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative f'' { f2 r4 bes aes2 g4.*2/3 } \\ \relative bes { bes2 r4 g4 f bes ees,2*1/2 } \\ \relative d'' { d2 r4 ees4~4. d8 ees4.*2/3 } \\ \relative d' { d2 r4 bes4 c bes bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative f' { f2 r4 g aes f ees } >></nowiki></ref>
|Lauda anima mea Dominum!
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative c' { <c e' g>4 <a c' f>4. 8 <g b' f'>4. 8 <a c' e>4 4 <f a' d>4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Lauda Sion Salvatorem
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { a8. c16 b8. d16 c16 d c b a c d e <a, c>8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Laudate, pueri, Dominum, laudate nomen Domini
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative a { r8 <a f' a>8 <d f a>8. <d d g>16 <cis e a>8. 16 4 r8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Liebster, meine Seele saget mit durchauss verliebtem Sinn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { e16 g f a g8 f16 e d8 g g8.*2/3 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g16 b a c b8 a16 g c8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \key a \major <a e' a' cis'' e''>2. 4 4 4 1.~1.</nowiki></ref>
|Mein Gemüt erfreuet sich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g'' { g4~16 a g f e8 a d, g e } \\ \relative e'' { e4. e16 d c8 c c8. b16 c8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Mein Herz ist bereit, Gott, Daß ich singe und lobe
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 f2. ees4 d1 } \\ \relative f' { f2 d a bes1 } \\ \relative a' { a2~4 bes c2 bes1 } \\ \relative f' { f2 1 1 }>></nowiki></ref>
|Meine Seele, willtu ruhn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative g'{ r4 g4:8 d'4:8 <d fis, d>4:8 <b g>4:8 4 } \\ \relative g' { g4 e b d <g g,>2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Membra Jesu Nostri
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative g'' { g2 2 8 8 8 a16 b c2*1/4\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative c' { c2~2 2 8 } \\ \relative ees'' { ees2 2 r2 ees8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
|Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 4/2 <<\relative d' { d1 a'2 a g } \\ \relative a { r4 a f a8 b c2. d8 c bes2  } \\ \relative f' { r2 r4 f e f8 g a4 f g2  } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 4/2 <<\relative d' { d1 a'2 a g } \\ \relative a { r4 a f a8 b c2. d8 c bes2  } \\ \relative f' { r2 r4 f e f8 g a4 f g2  } >>}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.137-141
|Nichts sol uns scheiden von der Liebe Gottes
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative a'' { a4 g8 a16 e f4 e8 f16 cis d4 } \\ \relative d' { d8 f e cis d d, r4 d'4 } \\ \\ \relative a'' { r2 a4 g8 a16 e f8. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor << \relative b'' { b2 4. fis8 g2 4 dis e } \\ \relative e' { e2 dis e2. b4 e4 } \\ \relative g'' { g2 fis4 b,4 1 4 } \\ \relative b' { b2 2 2. 4 4 } \\ \relative e' { e2 fis e2. fis4 g } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nun danket alle Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 << \relative c'' { <c g>2 <e c> <g e> <e c> <c g> <d g> <e a> } \\ \relative c' { c1 2 1 b2 c2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nun freut euch, ihr Frommen, mit mir
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative d'' { d2. 4 e2. fis4 g1 } \\ \relative g' { <g b>1~2 <a c> <g b>1 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Nun laßt uns Gott dem Herren Dank sagen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2. \relative c'' { <c g e>4 4 4 <a f c> <c g e> <c a f>8 } \addlyrics { Nun lasst uns Gott dem Her- }</nowiki></ref>
|O clemens, o mitis, o coelestis Pater
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \relative c'' { <c g ees>4 < b f d>4 4 4 <c g c,>4 4 <c aes c,> <ees g, c,> }</nowiki></ref>
|O dulcis Jesu, o amor cordis mei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \key e \minor <<\relative b'' { <b g>2 r8 <b, g>8 <g' e>4 r8 <e c> <c' a>4 } \\ \relative e' { e2 r4 r8 e c'4 r8 a b4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|O fröhliche Stunden, o fröhliche Zeit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/8 << \relative a' { a8. b16 cis d cis8. b16 a8 } \\ \repeat unfold 6 a'8 >></nowiki></ref>
|O fröhliche Stunden, o herrliche Zeit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \relative c' { <c g' c e>4 4 4 <a c a' c f>4 4 4 <b d g d' f>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|O Gott, wir danken deiner Güt'
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 << \relative e'' { e2 e e f2. e4 d2 e2. } \\ \relative a' { a2 gis a d,1 g2 c,1*3/4 } \\ \relative c'' { c2 b c c1 b2 b1*3/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|O Gottes Stadt, o güldnes Licht
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key c \minor \relative ees' { <ees g c>4 <d f c'>4. <d f b>8 <es g c>2. <c f aes>4 <c ees g>4. }</nowiki></ref>
|O Jesu mi dulcissime
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key e \minor \relative e' { <e g' b>2 <dis fis' b>4 <e e' g>4 <e e' e> c'' b b }</nowiki></ref>
|O lux beata, treintas et principalis unitas
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a'' { a4 gis a2~4 c d2 c2 r4 } \\ \relative a { a1~2 b a r4 } \\ \relative e'' { e4 d e2~4 a a4. gis8 a2 r4 } \\ \relative c'' { c4 b c2~4 e d2 e2 r4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|O wie selig sind, die zu dem Abendmahl des Lammes berufen sind
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \clef bass << \relative e' { R2. e4. e8 d c b4. } \\ \relative a, { a2 b4 c2 d4 e2.*1/2\laissezVibrer } \\  \relative a { a4. a8 g f e4. c'8 b a gis4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Pange lingua gloriosi, corporis mysterium
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \relative b { <g e' b' g'>4. 8 <a fis' a cis'>4 4 r8 <a fis' a dis>8 8 8 <b e g e'>4. 8 2 }</nowiki></ref>
|Quemadmodum desiderato cervus
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \clef bass << \relative a { r4 a4 8. 16 8. 16 d4 c4.*2/3 } \\ \relative f, { f4 f'8 e d4 8 c bes4 a } \\ \\  \relative f { r4 f4 8. 16 8. 16 f2.*2/3 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Salve desideratum, salve clamor gentium
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative e'' { R2. r4 ees4. 8 aes4. } \\ \relative c' { c2.~4 c4 4 f2*3/4 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g4. 8 c2. c2*3/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Salve Jesu, Patris gnats unigenite
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \relative d'' { d4 a8 d e fis g fis16 e fis4. }</nowiki></ref>
|Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative f'' { f8. 16 8. 16 bes2~4 } \\ \relative d'' { r2 d8. 16 8. 16 g4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Schwinget euch himmelan, Herzen und Sinnen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 6/8 << \relative b'' { b4. 4. a4. a b4 } \\ \relative g' { g4. b, c d g,4 } \\ \\ \relative d'' { <d g>4. 4. <e g>4. <d g>4 fis8 <g d>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sicut Moses exaltavit serpentum
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key d \major << \relative a' { r8 a8 4 d4. c8 b4. cis!8 d2 } \\ \relative d' { r8 d8 cis4 b8 g fis4 g4 e d2 } \\ \\ \relative fis' { r8 fis e4 d8 b' a4 a8 g g8. fis16 fis2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 << \relative e'' { e4 b4. d8 c4. e8 g4 g, } \\ \relative c'' { c4 g2 a e4~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Surrexit Christus hodie
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative b'' { r2 <b g> <c a>1 <b d,>2. } \\ \relative g' { g2 2~2 fis g e2*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative d'' { r2 d2 e d a'4 g g2*1/2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Wachet auf, rust uns die Stimme
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative a' { a4 d <d a fis>2 2. 4 } \\ \relative d' { <d fis a,>2 a4 d d2. 4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Praeludium in C Major
|Praeludium in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g { r16 g a b c d e f g e f g a } \\ \relative g { r8 r16 g a b c d e c d e f } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative g { r16 g a b c d e f g e f g a } \\ \relative g { r8 r16 g a b c d e c d e f } >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.111v-113v
|Praeludium in C Major
|Praeludium in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative c { r16 c e c g'8 g, r g c c, r4 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \relative c { r16 c e c g'8 g, r g c c, r4 }}</score>
|[[US-NH LM 4838]] p.65-67
|Praeludium in C Major
|Praeludium in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r16 c b a g e f g c, d e f g }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c'' { r16 c b a g e f g c, d e f g }}</score>
|[[Schmahl Organ Tablatures]] (4) p.4-5<br>[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster U:6]]<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.13-17<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in D Major
|Praeludium in D Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { r8 r16 a d fis d a a'8 r8 r4 r8 } \\ \relative d' { s2 r16 d fis a d a fis d d'8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { r8 r16 a d fis d a a'8 r8 r4 r8 } \\ \relative d' { s2 r16 d fis a d a fis d d'8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.18-22<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p.1-5<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in D Minor
|Praeludium in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g' { r16 <g e'> <a f'> <g e'> <f d'> <g e'> <f d'> <e cis'> <f d'> }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g' { r16 <g e'> <a f'> <g e'> <f d'> <g e'> <f d'> <e cis'> <f d'> }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.23-28<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p.6-9<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in E Major
|Praeludium in E Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \major \relative b' { r16 b cis dis e b cis b32 a b16 a32 gis e'16~32 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \major \relative b' { r16 b cis dis e b cis b32 a b16 a32 gis e'16~32 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.92-99<br>[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:5]]<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.1-7<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in E Minor
|Praeludium in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \relative e' { r16 e g b g e c' a b e cis dis e }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \relative e' { r16 e g b g e c' a b e cis dis e }}</score>
|[[D-B Fot. Bü 227]] (Foto 535-538) p.1-4<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.43-47<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in E Minor
|Praeludium in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \clef bass \relative e, { e4~16 e' dis e b b' a b e,8 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \clef bass \relative e, { e4~16 e' dis e b b' a b e,8 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.134-137
|Praeludium in F Major
|Praeludium in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \key f \major {f16 bes a bes g c' bes c' } \clef treble << \relative c' { c16 f e f d } \\ {a4 bes8} >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \key f \major {f16 bes a bes g c' bes c' } \clef treble << \relative c' { c16 f e f d } \\ {a4 bes8} >>}</score>
|[[D-B 30381]] No. 3<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.31-37<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in F Major
|Praeludium in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative f'' { r16 e f e f c d bes c a bes g a }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative f'' { r16 e f e f c d bes c a bes g a }}</score>
|[[B-Bc 26659]] f.22v-24v<br>[[D-DS 1462/1]] p.1-7<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]<br>[[D-LEm Becker III.8.6]] p.1-7<br>[[A-Wn Mus. Hs. 5011]] p.1
|Praeludium in F-Sharp Minor
|Praeludium in F-Sharp Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key fis \minor \relative fis'' { \repeat percent 4 { fis16 a eis gis } fis16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key fis \minor \relative fis'' { \repeat percent 4 { fis16 a eis gis } fis16 }}</score>
|[[S-L Engelhart 216]]
|Preludium in G Major
|Preludium in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative g { r8 g fis16 g e fis d g b, d c g' a, }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \relative g { r8 g fis16 g e fis d g b, d c g' a, }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.120-125<br>[[Grobe Tablature]]<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p1.5
|Praeludium in G Minor
|Praeludium in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor << \relative d'' { r16 d ees c d bes c a bes g a fis g } \\ \relative d' { r4 r16 d ees c d bes c a bes } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor << \relative d'' { r16 d ees c d bes c a bes g a fis g } \\ \relative d' { r4 r16 d ees c d bes c a bes } >>}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster U:5]]<br>[[D-B 2681]] p.75-81<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in G Minor
|Praeludium in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \relative g'' { \tuplet 6/4 4 { r16 fis g a g fis g cis, d e d cis d }}</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \relative g'' { \tuplet 6/4 4 { r16 fis g a g fis g cis, d e d cis d }}}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f. 6, 53, 54r
|Praeludium in G Minor
|Praeludium in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key g \minor \relative g { g8. 16 a g a32 g a fis g16 d bes' g d' }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \key g \minor \relative g { g8. 16 a g a32 g a fis g16 d bes' g d' }}</score>
|[[Schmahl Organ Tablatures]] (1)<br>[[Möller Manuscript]] f.47-48
|Praeludium in A Major
|Praeludium in A Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \major \relative e'' { e8. a16 cis, d e b cis d a b cis }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key a \major \relative e'' { e8. a16 cis, d e b cis d a b cis }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.84-87
|Praeludium quarti toni
|Praeludium quarti toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { e8 d16 c b c d e gis, a b a gis }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative e'' { e8 d16 c b c d e gis, a b a gis }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.8-12<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]]<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Praeludium in A minor
|Praeludium in A minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto << \relative e' { r2 e16 a gis b a } \\ \relative e { e16 a gis b a c b d c8 b16 d c } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto << \relative e' { r2 e16 a gis b a } \\ \relative e { e16 a gis b a c b d c8 b16 d c } >>}</score>
| [[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.142-147
|Toccata in D Minor
|Toccata in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { d8. a16 bes a f g } << \relative a' { <a f>4 }\\ \relative cis' {r16 cis d d, } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { d8. a16 bes a f g } << \relative a' { <a f>4 }\\ \relative cis' {r16 cis d d, } >>}</score>
| [[D-B 2681]] p.66-71<br>[[US-Pc qM 786.8 B98]] p.10-15<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]<br>[[B-Bc 26659]] f.18r-20r<br>[[D-B 2683]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 462]]<br>[[D-B Am.B 430]]<br>[[D-B 2681/1]]
|Toccata in F Major
|Toccata in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c' { r32 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c' { r32 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a16 }}</score>
|[[BuxWV 157 Manuscript]]
|Toccata in F Major
|Toccata in F Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative f' { f16 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a c, d e f }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative f' { f16 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a c, d e f }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.88-91
|Praeambulum in A Minor
|Praeambulum in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { e4. d16 c b8 c16 d gis,8 a16 b e,4 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative e'' { e4. d16 c b8 c16 d gis,8 a16 b e,4 }}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.33v-35r<br>[[D-B 30069]] p.42-43
|Ciacona in C Minor
|Ciacona in C Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative c'' { r8 c16 b c4. d8 b8 } \\ \relative e' {r8 ees16 d ees8. d16 c4 d8 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g f g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative c'' { r8 c16 b c4. d8 b8 } \\ \relative e' {r8 ees16 d ees8. d16 c4 d8 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g f g8 } >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.91-92v
|Ciacona in E Minor
|Ciacona in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \time 3/4 << \relative a' { r8 a b4. c8~8 } \\ \relative a { r4 r r8 a b } \\ \relative fis' { r4 r8 fis g4 fis8 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \time 3/4 << \relative a' { r8 a b4. c8~8 } \\ \relative a { r4 r r8 a b } \\ \relative fis' { r4 r8 fis g4 fis8 }  >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.107v-108v
|Passacaglia in D Minor
|Passacaglia in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \key d \minor \time 3/2 << \relative f'' { r4 f~f e2. r4 g8 a f4 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d~d2 cis r4 e~e } \\ \relative a' { r4 a4~1 r4 a~a }>></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 \key d \minor \time 3/2 << \relative f'' { r4 f~f e2. r4 g8 a f4 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d~d2 cis r4 e~e } \\ \relative a' { r4 a4~1 r4 a~a }>>}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:2]]
|Praeludium manualiter in G Major
|Praeludium manualiter in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g'' { g8 a16 g fis a g fis g b a g fis e d cis d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g'' { g8 a16 g fis a g fis g b a g fis e d cis d }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.58-65<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Praeludium manualiter in G Minor
|Praeludium manualiter in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g'' { g16 aes g f ees d c bes a g fis g~ g32 a }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g'' { g16 aes g f ees d c bes a g fis g~ g32 a }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.72-74<br>[[US-NH LM 4983]] p.1-3<br>[[S-Uu Instr. Mus. i. hs. 410]] p.72-73<br>[[D-B 30194]] (5) p. 1-2
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g' { g8. a16 b fis g d e fis b, d a }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g' { g8. a16 b fis g d e fis b, d a }}</score>
|[[Möller Manuscript]] f.47-48<br>[[D-LEm S 4]] p.1-2
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|Toccata manualiter in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \relative g { <g g, d''>1 r16 g fis g d g b, d g,2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass \relative g { <g g, d''>1 r16 g fis g d g b, d g,2 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.100-105<br>[[D-B 40268]] p.64-66
|Canzona in C Major
|Canzona in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c' { c16 e d e f g f e d f e f g }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c' { c16 e d e f g f e d f e f g }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:6]]
|Canzonetta in C Major
|Canzonetta in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g' { \repeat unfold 2 \repeat tremolo 4 { g8} a8 a e f g e f d e  }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g' { \repeat unfold 2 \repeat tremolo 4 { g8} a8 a e f g e f d e  }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.48-51<br>[[D-LEm Becker II.2.51]] f.1v-3r<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Canzona in D Minor
|Canzona in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { a2 d,8 d' c bes a16 bes c8 f,16 g a8 d, }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative a' { a2 d,8 d' c bes a16 bes c8 f,16 g a8 d, }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:9]]
|Canzonetta in E Minor
|Canzonetta in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative b' { r8 b e, fis g16 fis g a g8. fis16 e8 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative b' { r8 b e, fis g16 fis g a g8. fis16 e8 }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:8]]
|Canzona in G Major
|Canzona in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative d'' { d16 e d c b g' f g e f d e c }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \relative d'' { d16 e d c b g' f g e f d e c }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.29-30<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Canzonetta in G Major
|Canzonetta in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { \repeat tremolo 2 d16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 e16 \repeat tremolo 2 a,16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 g16 \repeat tremolo 2 d'16 \repeat tremolo 2 fis,16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { \repeat tremolo 2 d16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 e16 \repeat tremolo 2 a,16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 g16 \repeat tremolo 2 d'16 \repeat tremolo 2 fis,16 }}</score>
|[[US-NH LM 4983]] p.6-7
|Canzonetta in G Major
|Canzonetta in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { r16 d d d e d e b c b c a d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { r16 d d d e d e b c b c a d }}</score>
|[[Lindemann Tablatures|S-L Wenster N:1]]
|Canzona in G Minor
|Canzona in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \relative d'' { d4. g16 d ees c g' c, d bes g' bes, c }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \relative d'' { d4. g16 d ees c g' c, d bes g' bes, c }}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.61v-62v
|Fuga in C Major
|Fuga in C Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 12/8 \relative c' { r4 c8 g' a g e4 e8 a bes a g4 g8 c4 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 12/8 \relative c' { r4 c8 g' a g e4 e8 a bes a g4 g8 c4 }}</score>
|[[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.117-119
|Fuga in G Major
|Fuga in G Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { d4 d8 d e d16 c b8 b16 c d8 a d c <b g> }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d'' { d4 d8 d e d16 c b8 b16 c d8 a d c <b g> }}</score>
|[[D-B 2681]] p.38-42<br>[[D-Bim Buxtehude 1]]
|Fuga in B-flat Major
|Fuga in B-flat Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 16 16 8 16 16 g8 aes16 g f g ees f d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 16 16 8 16 16 g8 aes16 g f g ees f d }}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[D-B 11419]] p.101-102
|Ach Gott und Herr (2 Versus)
|Ach Gott und Herr (2 Versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative f' { r4 f8 e f g a b c } \\ { d'1 c'8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative f' { r4 f8 e f g a b c } \\ { d'1 c'8 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.141-142
|Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
|Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative e' { s1 s r2 e a } \\ \relative e { r1 r2 e a2. g4 f2 }  \\ \\ \relative b { r2 b2 e2. d4 c1~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass << \relative e' { s1 s r2 e a } \\ \relative e { r1 r2 e a2. g4 f2 }  \\ \\ \relative b { r2 b2 e2. d4 c1~4 } >>}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.356-358
|Auf meinen lieben Gott
|Auf meinen lieben Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \relative e' { \partial 8 e8 e4. fis8 g8 g32 a b16 a8. g32 a b2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key e \minor \relative e' { \partial 8 e8 e4. fis8 g8 g32 a b16 a8. g32 a b2 }}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.113-114
|Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
|Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d' { d2~8 e32 f g16 f8. e16 f2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative d' { d2~8 e32 f g16 f8. e16 f2 }}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.77-78<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]
|Danket dem Herren (3 Versus)
|Danket dem Herren (3 Versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor << \relative g' { g1 bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c16 b c8 d ees4~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor << \relative g' { g1 bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c16 b c8 d ees4~4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.64-66<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.104-106<br>[[Ms. fol. Sp. 1440]]
|Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich
|Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key g \major <<\relative g' { r2 g g g2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g8 a b c~c b c4 } \\ \relative b { r2 r4 b8 c d e d4 e4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \key g \major <<\relative g' { r2 g g g2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g8 a b c~c b c4 } \\ \relative b { r2 r4 b8 c d e d4 e4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.151-152
|Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt
|Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a1 a2 a } \\ \relative d' { r4 d cis d a cis d } \\ \relative f' { r4 f e f cis e f2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a1 a2 a } \\ \relative d' { r4 d cis d a cis d } \\ \relative f' { r4 f e f cis e f2 } >>}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.305-306
|Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
|Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r16 c d e c e b d c2 c4~16}</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative c'' { r16 c d e c e b d c2 c4~16}}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.318
|Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
|Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \relative g' { r16 g bes g d' a bes fis g4~16 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \relative g' { r16 g bes g d' a bes fis g4~16 }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.157-158<br>[[D-B 30245]] p. 95-96<br>[[Ms. fol. Sp. 1439]]
|Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
|Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { r8 a g8. fis16 g2 g g g4. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative a' { r8 a g8. fis16 g2 g g g4. }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.295-296
|Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl
|Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << \relative e' { r4 e e d8 c b4 e4~8 } \\ \relative c' { r4 c c b8 a g2 a4 } \\ \relative g' { g1 g4. a16 g f8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major << \relative e' { r4 e e d8 c b4 e4~8 } \\ \relative c' { r4 c c b8 a g2 a4 } \\ \relative g' { g1 g4. a16 g f8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B Bach P 802]] p.57-69
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto << \relative d' { d2 d4 d e2 d r8 } \\ \relative g { r1 r4 g g g a2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto << \relative d' { d2 d4 d e2 d r8 } \\ \relative g { r1 r4 g g g a2 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.72-73<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.100-101
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative b { r16 b c d g, d' e fis g2 g } \\ \relative g' { r2 r8 g e c r <c e> <b d> <g b> } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative b { r16 b c d g, d' e fis g2 g } \\ \relative g' { r2 r8 g e c r <c e> <b d> <g b> } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.70-71
|Gott der Vater wohn uns bei
|Gott der Vater wohn uns bei
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g' { g4 g a b c c b } \\ \relative c' { c4 c~c b a2 g4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e4 e fis g~g fis g } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative g' { g4 g a b c c b } \\ \relative c' { c4 c~c b a2 g4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e4 e fis g~g fis g } >>}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.99-100
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major << {g'1 g'2 b'2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r4 b c4. d8 e b e4~e8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major << {g'1 g'2 b'2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r4 b c4. d8 e b e4~e8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.22-23<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.197-198
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 \key g \major << \relative g' { g2 g4. a8 b2 } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d e4 d8 c b } \\ \relative fis' { s2 s4. fis8 g4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 \key g \major << \relative g' { g2 g4. a8 b2 } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d e4 d8 c b } \\ \relative fis' { s2 s4. fis8 g4. } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiß gar wohl
|Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiß gar wohl
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 << \relative a' { a2 a gis a } \\ \relative d' { s2 r4 d8 c b a b4 a4 } \\ \relative a' { r4 a8 g f e f e d c d4 c4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 << \relative a' { a2 a gis a } \\ \relative d' { s2 r4 d8 c b a b4 a4 } \\ \relative a' { r4 a8 g f e f e d c d4 c4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Ich dank dir, lieber Herre
|Ich dank dir, lieber Herre
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \clef alto \relative f' { \partial 2 <f c a>2 4 4 <f d a>4 <g d~ g,~> <e d g,>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major \clef alto \relative f' { \partial 2 <f c a>2 4 4 <f d a>4 <g d~ g,~> <e d g,>8 }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Ich dank dir shon durch deinen Sohn
|Ich dank dir shon durch deinen Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 4/2 \key f \major \relative c' { c1 2 2 f1. d2 e1. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 4/2 \key f \major \relative c' { c1 2 2 f1. d2 e1. }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a1 } \\ \relative a, { r16 \clef bass a16 b cis d e f g a cis, d e f g a d, } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a1 } \\ \relative a, { r16 \clef bass a16 b cis d e f g a cis, d e f g a d, } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.96-97<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.103
|In dulci jubilo
|In dulci jubilo
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 a4 b8 c b2. } \\ \relative d' { d2 e1 d2~2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 a4 b8 c b2. } \\ \relative d' { d2 e1 d2~2. } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.162
|Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod
|Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \clef alto << \relative g' { g2 g  } \\ \relative c' { r2 r16 c b a g8 } \\ \relative f' { r16 f ees d c8 d ees d16 c bes8  } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major \clef alto << \relative g' { g2 g  } \\ \relative c' { r2 r16 c b a g8 } \\ \relative f' { r16 f ees d c8 d ees d16 c bes8  } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.165-166
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative c' { r16 c d e f g a bes c2 d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major \relative c' { r16 c d e f g a bes c2 d }}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.167-168
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << { c''1} \\ \relative e' { r16 <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a>8 <e g> <f a>2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key f \major << { c''1} \\ \relative e' { r16 <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a>8 <e g> <f a>2 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.179-180
|Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn
|Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { d2 4 4 g2. fis4 g } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g g g d'2~4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { d2 4 4 g2. fis4 g } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g g g d'2~4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p.100<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p.101
|Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich
|Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \partial 4 \relative g { g4 d' d d d e d8. c16 b4. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \partial 4 \relative g { g4 d' d d d e d8. c16 b4. }}</score>
|[[B-Bc 26659]] p.3-6
|Magnificat primi toni
|Magnificat primi toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \relative d' { d16 e f g a b cis d e f g a r16 e,}</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key d \minor \relative d' { d16 e f g a b cis d e f g a r16 e,}}</score>
|[[D-B 30280]] p.26<br>[[D-LEm Becker III.8.26]]
|Magnificat primi toni
|Magnificat primi toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \clef bass \relative e { r16 e f g f a g bes a d cis e d }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key d \minor \clef bass \relative e { r16 e f g f a g bes a d cis e d }}</score>
|[[D-B 30280]] p.27<br>[[D-LEm Becker III.8.26]]
|Magnificat noni toni
|Magnificat noni toni
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { r4 d f2~4 e8 d e4 } \\ \relative a { r2 r4 a c2. } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key d \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { r4 d f2~4 e8 d e4 } \\ \relative a { r2 r4 a c2. } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.96
|Mensch, willt du leben seliglich
|Mensch, willt du leben seliglich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass << \relative b { r4 b c2~4 b8. a16 b8} \\ \relative e { e2. fis4 g2 gis8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef bass << \relative b { r4 b c2~4 b8. a16 b8} \\ \relative e { e2. fis4 g2 gis8 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.98-99, p.102-103<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.35-39<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]
|Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (4 versus)
|Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (4 versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< {a'1} \\ \relative g' { r16 g f e f g f e f8 e16 d e4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< {a'1} \\ \relative g' { r16 g f e f g f e f8 e16 d e4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.181
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 2 << \relative g' { g4. fis16 g a2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r8 <b g> <e c>4~8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 2 << \relative g' { g4. fis16 g a2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r8 <b g> <e c>4~8 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.182
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g' { g1 a2 a } \\ \relative b { r2 <b d> <c~ e> <c d> } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative g' { g1 a2 a } \\ \relative b { r2 <b d> <c~ e> <c d> } >>}</score>
|[[D-B Bach P 802]] p.17-37<br>[[D-WRz Fol 49/11 (3)]]
|Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein
|Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative g { r8 r16 fis g a b c b g a b c }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative g { r8 r16 fis g a b c b g a b c }}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p. 6-7<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p. 25
|Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
|Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key g \minor << \relative g' { g2 g8. bes16 a8. g16 f2 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d ees2 d4 a } \\ \\ \relative bes { r4 bes4~8 g c bes a g f } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \key g \minor << \relative g' { g2 g8. bes16 a8. g16 f2 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d ees2 d4 a } \\ \\ \relative bes { r4 bes4~8 g c bes a g f } >>}</score>
|[[Plauen Organ Book]]
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 c1 b2 a1 } \\ \relative g' { g2 g a g g f } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 e1 e2 c1 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 c1 b2 a1 } \\ \relative g' { g2 g a g g f } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 e1 e2 c1 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 2681/2]] p.82-87<br>[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.40-41, p.44-45<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.70-74<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (3 versus)
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (3 versus)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 fis2 e1*1/4 } \\ \relative g { g4 g8 a b4 g b c d fis,8 g a4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 fis2 e1*1/4 } \\ \relative g { g4 g8 a b4 g b c d fis,8 g a4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Plauen Organ Book]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.42-43<br>[[D-B 30245]] p.74-76<br>[[D-B Bach P 806]]<br>[[Ms. fol. Sp. 1439]] p.28-29
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 \clef alto \relative c' { r2 r2 c c2. d8 c b2 a2. }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/2 \clef alto \relative c' { r2 r2 c c2. d8 c b2 a2. }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 } \\ \relative c' { r8 c e c b2~8 b cis4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 } \\ \relative c' { r8 c e c b2~8 b cis4 } >>}</score>
|[[Andreas Bach Book]] f.110r
|O lux beata trinitas (frag.)
|O lux beata trinitas (frag.)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative e'' { e8 b g e d d' d d c2 }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative e'' { e8 b g e d d' d d c2 }}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/1]] p. 69<br>[[D-B 22541/2]] p. 106
|Puer natus in Bethlehem
|Puer natus in Bethlehem
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 r2 r2 << \relative a' { a2 a1 a2 b2. } \\ \relative c' { c2 c1 a2~a1 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 1 d4 e f2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/2 r2 r2 << \relative a' { a2 a1 a2 b2. } \\ \relative c' { c2 c1 a2~a1 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 1 d4 e f2 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B Bach P 801]] p.333-353<br>[[D-LÜmh Mus. U 212]]<br>[[Lost BuxWV 218 Manuscript]]
|Te Deum laudamus
|Te Deum laudamus
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \relative b' { r16 b c d e b c a c e d c b }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 3/4 \relative b' { r16 b c d e b c a c e d c b }}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.104-105<br>[[D-B 30280]] p.5
|Vater unser im Himmelreich
|Vater unser im Himmelreich
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a1 a4. } \\ \relative d' { r4 d2 cis4 r4 a4*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative f' { r4 f4 e2 r4 e2*1/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a1 a4. } \\ \relative d' { r4 d2 cis4 r4 a4*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative f' { r4 f4 e2 r4 e2*1/4 } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.200
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \partial 4 << \relative a { a4 e' fis g4. g8 c, } \\ \relative e { r4 r2 r4 e a } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \partial 4 << \relative a { a4 e' fis g4. g8 c, } \\ \relative e { r4 r2 r4 e a } >>}</score>
|[[Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839]]<br>[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.199-200
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative e' { r16 e fis gis a8 gis16 a b16 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r16 c b a gis8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\partial 4 << \relative e' { r16 e fis gis a8 gis16 a b16 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r16 c b a gis8 } >>}</score>
|[[Frankenberger Walther Manuscript]] p.311<br>[[D-B 30280]] p.2
|Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit
|Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative a' { a2. b4 c2 cis d e } \\ \relative c' { r4 c f2 a1~a2. g4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{<< \relative a' { a2. b4 c2 cis d e } \\ \relative c' { r4 c f2 a1~a2. g4 } >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/2]] p.1-5
|Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
|Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 6/4 \clef bass g,1. << \relative a' { r4 \clef treble a g fis a fis }\\ {d1.} >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\time 6/4 \clef bass g,1. << \relative a' { r4 \clef treble a g fis a fis }\\ {d1.} >>}</score>
|[[D-B 22541/3]] p.148
|Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \time 3/2 << \relative a { a2 a a d1 e2 f4 g f e d } \\ \relative d { s1. s1. d2 d d } >></nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\clef alto \time 3/2 << \relative a { a2 a a d1 e2 f4 g f e d } \\ \relative d { s1. s1. d2 d d } >>}</score>
|[[S-N Finspong 1136:2]] p.1-2
|Canzonetta in A Minor
|Canzonetta in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative a' { a16 a' gis a b, a' gis a c, a' gis a d, }</nowiki></ref>
|<score>{\relative a' { a16 a' gis a b, a' gis a c, a' gis a d, }}</score>
In 2006, [[Johann Sebastian Bach's Buxtehude and Reincken Manuscripts|two manuscripts]] containing transcriptions by [[Johann Sebastian Bach]] of ''An Wasserflüssen Babylon'' by [[Johann Adam Reincken]] and the beginning of ''Nun freut euch...'' by Buxtehude in [[New German Tablature Notation]] were discovered.<ref>{{NdS2 2009}} 294-295.</ref>
=== Organ works in BuxWV anh. ===
[[File:Buxtehude Sonata.jpg|thumb|right|The opening to BuxWV anh. 5]]
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Caption text
! Sources !! BuxWV<ref name="buxwv"></ref> !! Title !! Incipit !! Notes !! Ref.
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative g' { r16 g a b } << { <e' g' c''>4 r16 } \\ { r16 \clef bass <c>16~ <c e>~ <c e g>~ <c e g c>4 } >></nowiki></ref>
| [[Lowell Mason Codex]] p.81-83 || anh.5 || Sonata a 2 Clavir Pedal || <score><< \relative a' { \time 2/2 r2 a2~ a4 a a2 } \\ \relative d' { d2. d4 d2. cis4 } \\ \\ \relative f' { f2. f4 f2 e } >></score> || It is theorized that this is an organ transcription of an instrumental trio sonata by Buxtehude.{{Citation needed}} ||
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative c'' { c8. 16 <c g e>4 r16 g c e d2 r16 } \\ \relative c' { s4 s c4~8 a b4 c4*1/4 } \\ \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c c,4 r16 f' g a g8. f16 e4*1/4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|  || anh.11 || Erhalt uns Herr, bei deinem Wort || || ||  
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative c'' { c8. 16 <c~ g e>4 c16 d e f e e d c g' } \\ \relative c' { r4 c8. b16 c4~4 b \bar "" } >></nowiki></ref>
=== Notable works not included in BuxWV ===
{| class="wikitable"
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative e'' { r8 e <e c g>4~ e16 f e d c8 g' f8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative g' { r16 g a b <c g e>4~ c16 c b a g a g f e }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 << \relative c'' { c8. 16 <c g>2 r8 e16 a, b8. } \\ \relative e' { r4 e2 c4 g } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in D
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key d \major << \relative d'' { d8. 16 d4. cis16 d e4~16 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d d,4~8 d cis4 \bar "" } \\ \relative fis' { r4 <fis a>4. r8 <g a>4. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key d \minor << \relative d'' { d8. 16 4~16 e d cis d8 a8~16 a bes c bes8.*2/3 } \\ \relative d'' { r4 r8 d,8 e4 f fis g8 } \\ \relative f' { r4 <f d a'>4 g a d d4.*1/3 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \minor \ottava #-1 \partial 4 << \relative d' { r8 d d4~16 f e g f4~16 a g bes a4 } \\ \relative d { r4 r8 d4. r8 d4 e8 f4 } \\ \relative f { r4 r4 f8 g a2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \partial 4 \relative e' { e8. 16 <e b g>4~ e16 fis g a <b g>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key e \minor << \relative b' { b8. 16 4~16 b c d c4 r16 fis, b a g8 } \\ \relative e' { s4 <e g>4 e r16 a fis e dis4 r16 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key e \minor << \relative e' { e8. 16 e4. fis8 g e b'4~4. } \\ \relative g { s4 <g b>4. s8 s4. b8 e } >></nowiki></ref>
|Suite in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \partial 4 \relative f' { f8. 16 <f c a>4~ f16 f' e d c8. }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \partial 4 \relative f' { f8. 16 <f c a>4~ f16 e f g a8 f16 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in G
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative d' { \partial 4 r16 d e fis <g d b>4 r16 g fis e d4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \partial 4 \relative d'' { d8. 16 <d bes g>4 r16 d g, bes a4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \minor \partial 4 \relative g' { g8. 16 <g d bes>4~ g16 ees d c d g bes g c,  }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in A
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \major \partial 4 \relative a' { a8. 16 <a e cis>4~ a16 a gis fis e4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Suite in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key a \minor \partial 4 \relative a' { a8. 16 c,16~ <c e>16~ <c e a>8~16 a' gis a b4  }</nowiki></ref>
|Courant simble in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \partial 8 << \relative a' { a8 <a e c>4. b8 c4 a c4. } \\ \relative a { s8 a2~8 g f4 <e g> } >></nowiki></ref>
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/2 << \relative c'' { c2. d4 e2 b2. a4 g2 } \\ \relative c' { c1 2 r4 g2.~4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2. f4 g2 g2 d4 c b2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Aria: More Palatino
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { c4 g c d e } \\ \relative e' { r4 e4~8 a a b c4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Aria Rofilis
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \relative d' { d8 e f4 d a' d8. e16 cis2 }</nowiki></ref>
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \clef alto \relative c' { c4 d8. c32 d e4 r8 b e }</nowiki></ref>
|Partite diverse una Aria d'Inventione detta La Capricciosa
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative d'' { d4 d8. c32 d e4.~32 d c b a8. }</nowiki></ref>
|7 Klavier-Suiten
|Trio Sonate I in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative c'' { <c a f,>4 r8 8 <c bes e,,>4 r8 8 <c a f,>4 }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate II in G
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \relative b' { <b g>2 r8 <b g> <c a> <d b> <c a>2 r8 8 8  }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate III in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\relative c'' { r4 <c e,>2 <b d,>8 <a c,>8 4 8 <b d,> <gis b,>8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate IV in B-Flat
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key bes \major << \relative f'' { s4 r8 \clef treble f16 16 4 r4 } \\ \relative bes, { \clef bass bes8 bes' a4 bes \clef bass d, } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate V in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative c'' { r4 c16 c c c g'4 r8 } \\ \relative c { c8 c'16 b c8 a b g c } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VI in D Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key f \major << \relative a' { <a f>4 r8 <a e>8 <a f> <a cis,> <a d,>8. <g e>16 <a cis,>r } \\ \relative d' { d4 r8 cis d a bes4 a4*1/2 }  >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VII in E Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \minor \relative b' { b8. c16 b c b a g8 e c'16 b a c b8 }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate I in B-Flat Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef bass \key bes \major \time 6/8 \relative bes, { bes16 bes' a g f ees d c bes c d }</nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate II in D Major
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \partial 2 << \relative d'' { d2~4 cis8 b cis2 d1\fermata } \\ \relative d' { <d fis>2 <e g>1 <d fis>\fermata } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate III in G Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key f \major << \relative g' { r4 r8 g g g g8. fis16 g4 } \\ \relative g { g8 a bes g c a d d, g } >></nowiki></ref>
! Source !! Title !! Incipt !! Notes !! Ref.
|Trio Sonate IV in C Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 3/4 \key c \minor << \relative d'' { r8 d ees f ees f g4. } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d c d es4. } >></nowiki></ref>
| [[D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 209]] No.45 || Nun freuet / Euch Lieben Chri- /<br>sten Gemein. / Auf 2. Clavier || <score>\relative d' { \key a \major d1 d2 a d cis~ cis4 }</score> || This chorale fantasia has been theoried to be a young composition by Buxtehude by [[Pieter Dirksen]]. || <ref>[[Pieter Dirksen|Dirksen, Pieter]] (editor), ''Dietrich Buxtehude(?): Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein.'' Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2006. Introduction: [], accessed 14 August, 2023.</ref><ref>{{RISM|450101448}}</ref>
|Trio Sonate V in A
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\time 12/8 \key a \major << \relative e'' { r4 e8 4 8 cis8 e cis a4 } \\ \relative a { a4. gis a r4 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VI in E
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key e \major << \relative b' { b4. e16 dis e2~8 fis16 e e8 } \\ \relative e' { <e gis>2. <gis b>4 <fis a>2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Trio Sonate VII in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major \relative f' { <f c'>2. 4 1 r4 c d e }</nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in C
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative g'' { g2 a4 g f2 e } \\ \relative c' { c2 c4. b8 a4 b c4. } \\ \relative e'' { e2 c4 d e d d c } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in D
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key d \major \partial 2 \relative fis' { fis2 e4. fis16 g a8 g g8. fis16 2\laissezVibrer }</nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in D
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\clef alto \key d \major << \relative d' { d2 e fis8 a16 16 8 8 } \\ \relative d { d2. cis4 d2 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative f' { f16 g f g a g a f c' d bes c a } \\ \relative f' { f2 e4 f8. } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in F
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key f \major << \relative c'' { c8 16 16 8 16 16 a8 f } \\ \relative f' { f4 e f } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in G
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\key g \major \clef alto << \relative g' { r2 r4 r8 fis16 fis g4 } \\ \relative g { g4 b c a g8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in A Minor
|incipit:<ref><nowiki><< \relative e'' { e4 e e e e8 f d8. } \\ \relative a' { a4 b c a f g } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonate in B-Flat (mit der Suite)
|incipit:<ref><nowiki>\partial 4 \key bes \major << \relative bes' { bes8. 16 4~16 16 a g f8 } \\ \relative bes' { r4 bes8 bes, c4 d8 } >></nowiki></ref>
|Sonaten a 2 und 3 Violini und Viola da Gamba cum continuo zur Kirchen
|Sonatina forte con molti violini doi Oboi

== References ==
== References ==
''See notes''
''See notes''
[[Category:Persons|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Composers|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Baroque Composers|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Organists|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Baroque|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:Norddeutsche Orgelschule|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]
[[Category:WVlist pages|Buxtehude, Dietrich]]

Latest revision as of 21:05, 6 July 2024

"The Musical Party" by Johannes Voorhout. Buxtehude is now thought to be playing the Viola de Gamba. Jean-Adam Reincken is playing the harpsichord.

Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)

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WVlist Notes

Organist in Marienkirche, Lübeck. BuxWV numbers are taken from Sämtliche Orgelwerke, edited by Klaus Beckman, New Edition/Revised New Edition (EB 6661-6664)
-William Rehwinkel, Feb 18, 2022

Beckman notes that the catalogue BuxWV is from G. Karstädt (Breitkops & Härtel, Wiesbaden)
-William Rehwinkel, Feb 18, 2022

Full BuxWV catalogue is written in Georg Karstädt: "Dietrich Buxtehude: Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (BuxWV)" Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1985.
-William Rehwinkel, Feb 24, 2022

-Anonymous, Mar 12, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, Mar 17, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, Mar 18, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, Mar 20, 2022

-Anonymous, Mar 22, 2022

-WR, May 4, 2022

-WR, May 4, 2022

-William Rehwinkel, May 9, 2022

-Anonymous, May 12, 2022

-Anonymous, May 12, 2022

-wr, May 23, 2022

-Anonymous, Sep 30, 2022

Organ Works


Compositions by Buxtehude are classified according to Buxtehude-Werke-Verzeichnis (BuxWV). Before this, the works would typically be referred to by their location in the edition by Philipp Spitta, for example "Sp.I:1", or "Erg." for the Ergänzungsband[1].

Organ Works in BuxWV Catalogue

Sources[2] BuxWV[3] Title Incipit
D-KA Aa 36 V Nr. 48 76 Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
{\time 4/2 <<\relative d' { d1 a'2 a g } \\ \relative a { r4 a f a8 b c2. d8 c bes2   } \\ \relative f' { r2 r4 f e f8 g a4 f g2  } >>}
Lowell Mason Codex p.137-141 136 Praeludium in C Major
{<< \relative g { r16 g a b c d e f g e f g a } \\ \relative g { r8 r16 g a b c d e c d e f } >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.111v-113v 137 Praeludium in C Major
{\clef bass \relative c { r16 c e c g'8 g, r g c c, r4 }}
US-NH LM 4838 p.65-67 138 Praeludium in C Major
{\relative c'' { r16 c b a g e f g c, d e f g }}
Schmahl Organ Tablatures (4) p.4-5
S-L Wenster U:6
D-B 2681 p.13-17
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
139 Praeludium in D Major
{<< \relative a' { r8 r16 a d fis d a a'8 r8 r4 r8 } \\ \relative d' { s2 r16 d fis a d a fis d d'8 } >>}
D-B 2681 p.18-22
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p.1-5
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
140 Praeludium in D Minor
{\relative g' { r16 <g e'> <a f'> <g e'> <f d'> <g e'> <f d'> <e cis'> <f d'> }}
D-B 2681 p.23-28
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p.6-9
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
141 Praeludium in E Major
{\key e \major \relative b' { r16 b cis dis e b cis b32 a b16 a32 gis e'16~32 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.92-99
S-L Wenster N:5
D-B 2681 p.1-7
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
142 Praeludium in E Minor
{\key e \minor \relative e' { r16 e g b g e c' a b e cis dis e }}
D-B Fot. Bü 227 (Foto 535-538) p.1-4
D-B 2681 p.43-47
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
143 Praeludium in E Minor
{\key e \minor \clef bass \relative e, { e4~16 e' dis e b b' a b e,8 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.134-137 144 Praeludium in F Major
{\clef bass \key f \major {f16 bes a bes g c' bes c' } \clef treble << \relative c' { c16 f e f d } \\ {a4 bes8} >>}
D-B 30381 No. 3
D-B 2681 p.31-37
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
145 Praeludium in F Major
{\relative f'' { r16 e f e f c d bes c a bes g a }}
B-Bc 26659 f.22v-24v
D-DS 1462/1 p.1-7
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
D-LEm Becker III.8.6 p.1-7
A-Wn Mus. Hs. 5011 p.1
146 Praeludium in F-Sharp Minor
{\key fis \minor \relative fis'' { \repeat percent 4 { fis16 a eis gis } fis16 }}
S-L Engelhart 216 147 Preludium in G Major
{\clef bass \relative g { r8 g fis16 g e fis d g b, d c g' a, }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.120-125
Grobe Tablature
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p1.5
148 Praeludium in G Minor
{\key g \minor << \relative d'' { r16 d ees c d bes c a bes g a fis g } \\ \relative d' { r4 r16 d ees c d bes c a bes } >>}
S-L Wenster U:5
D-B 2681 p.75-81
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
149 Praeludium in G Minor
{\key g \minor \relative g'' { \tuplet 6/4 4 { r16 fis g a g fis g cis, d e d cis d }}}
Andreas Bach Book f. 6, 53, 54r 150 Praeludium in G Minor
{\clef alto \key g \minor \relative g { g8. 16 a g a32 g a fis g16 d bes' g d' }}
Schmahl Organ Tablatures (1)
Möller Manuscript f.47-48
151 Praeludium in A Major
{\key a \major \relative e'' { e8. a16 cis, d e b cis d a b cis }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.84-87 152 Praeludium quarti toni
{\relative e'' { e8 d16 c b c d e gis, a b a gis }}
D-B 2681 p.8-12
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
153 Praeludium in A minor
{\clef alto << \relative e' { r2 e16 a gis b a } \\ \relative e { e16 a gis b a c b d c8 b16 d c } >>}
Lowell Mason Codex p.142-147 155 Toccata in D Minor
{\relative d'' { d8. a16 bes a f g } << \relative a' { <a f>4 }\\ \relative cis' {r16 cis d d, } >>}
D-B 2681 p.66-71
US-Pc qM 786.8 B98 p.10-15
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
B-Bc 26659 f.18r-20r
D-B 2683
D-B Am.B 462
D-B Am.B 430
D-B 2681/1
156 Toccata in F Major
{\relative c' { r32 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a16 }}
BuxWV 157 Manuscript 157 Toccata in F Major
{\relative f' { f16 c d e f g a bes c a bes c d e f g a c, d e f }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.88-91 158 Praeambulum in A Minor
{\relative e'' { e4. d16 c b8 c16 d gis,8 a16 b e,4 }}
Andreas Bach Book f.33v-35r
D-B 30069 p.42-43
159 Ciacona in C Minor
{\key c \minor \time 3/4 << \relative c'' { r8 c16 b c4. d8 b8 } \\ \relative e' {r8 ees16 d ees8. d16 c4 d8 } \\ \relative g' { r4 g f g8 } >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.91-92v 160 Ciacona in E Minor
{\key e \minor \time 3/4 << \relative a' { r8 a b4. c8~8 } \\ \relative a { r4 r r8 a b } \\ \relative fis' { r4 r8 fis g4 fis8 }  >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.107v-108v 161 Passacaglia in D Minor
{\partial 2 \key d \minor \time 3/2 << \relative f'' { r4 f~f e2. r4 g8 a f4 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d~d2 cis r4 e~e } \\ \relative a' { r4 a4~1 r4 a~a }>>}
S-L Wenster N:2 162 Praeludium manualiter in G Major
{\relative g'' { g8 a16 g fis a g fis g b a g fis e d cis d }}
D-B 2681 p.58-65
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
163 Praeludium manualiter in G Minor
{\relative g'' { g16 aes g f ees d c bes a g fis g~ g32 a }}
D-B 2681 p.72-74
US-NH LM 4983 p.1-3
S-Uu Instr. Mus. i. hs. 410 p.72-73
D-B 30194 (5) p. 1-2
164 Toccata manualiter in G Major
{\relative g' { g8. a16 b fis g d e fis b, d a }}
Möller Manuscript f.47-48
D-LEm S 4 p.1-2
165 Toccata manualiter in G Major
{\clef bass \relative g { <g g, d''>1 r16 g fis g d g b, d g,2 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.100-105
D-B 40268 p.64-66
166 Canzona in C Major
{\relative c' { c16 e d e f g f e d f e f g }}
S-L Wenster N:6 167 Canzonetta in C Major
{\relative g' { \repeat unfold 2 \repeat tremolo 4 { g8} a8 a e f g e f d e  }}
D-B 2681 p.48-51
D-LEm Becker II.2.51 f.1v-3r
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
168 Canzona in D Minor
{\relative a' { a2 d,8 d' c bes a16 bes c8 f,16 g a8 d, }}
S-L Wenster N:9 169 Canzonetta in E Minor
{\relative b' { r8 b e, fis g16 fis g a g8. fis16 e8 }}
S-L Wenster N:8 170 Canzona in G Major
{\key g \major \relative d'' { d16 e d c b g' f g e f d e c }}
D-B 2681 p.29-30
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
171 Canzonetta in G Major
{\relative d'' { \repeat tremolo 2 d16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 e16 \repeat tremolo 2 a,16 \repeat tremolo 2 b16 \repeat tremolo 2 g16 \repeat tremolo 2 d'16 \repeat tremolo 2 fis,16 }}
US-NH LM 4983 p.6-7 172 Canzonetta in G Major
{\relative d'' { r16 d d d e d e b c b c a d }}
S-L Wenster N:1 173 Canzona in G Minor
{\key g \minor \relative d'' { d4. g16 d ees c g' c, d bes g' bes, c }}
Andreas Bach Book f.61v-62v 174 Fuga in C Major
{\time 12/8 \relative c' { r4 c8 g' a g e4 e8 a bes a g4 g8 c4 }}
Lowell Mason Codex p.117-119 175 Fuga in G Major
{\relative d'' { d4 d8 d e d16 c b8 b16 c d8 a d c <b g> }}
D-B 2681 p.38-42
D-Bim Buxtehude 1
176 Fuga in B-flat Major
{\key bes \major \relative f' { f8 16 16 8 16 16 g8 aes16 g f g ees f d }}
Plauen Organ Book
D-B 11419 p.101-102
177 Ach Gott und Herr (2 Versus)
{<< \relative f' { r4 f8 e f g a b c } \\ { d'1 c'8 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.141-142
178 Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder
{\clef bass << \relative e' { s1 s r2 e a } \\ \relative e { r1 r2 e a2. g4 f2 }  \\ \\ \relative b { r2 b2 e2. d4 c1~4 } >>}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.356-358 179 Auf meinen lieben Gott
{\key e \minor \relative e' { \partial 8 e8 e4. fis8 g8 g32 a b16 a8. g32 a b2 }}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.113-114 180 Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam
{\relative d' { d2~8 e32 f g16 f8. e16 f2 }}
Plauen Organ Book
D-B 30245 p.77-78
D-B Bach P 806
181 Danket dem Herren (3 Versus)
{\key g \minor << \relative g' { g1 bes2*1/2 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r8 c16 b c8 d ees4~4 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.64-66
D-B 22541/2 p.104-106
Ms. fol. Sp. 1440
182 Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich
{\clef alto \key g \major <<\relative g' { r2 g g g2*1/2 } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g8 a b c~c b c4 } \\ \relative b { r2 r4 b8 c d e d4 e4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.151-152
183 Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt
{<< \relative a' { a1 a2 a } \\ \relative d' { r4 d cis d a cis d } \\ \relative f' { r4 f e f cis e f2 } >>}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.305-306 184 Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
{\relative c'' { r16 c d e c e b d c2 c4~16}}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.318
185 Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort
{\key g \minor \relative g' { r16 g bes g d' a bes fis g4~16 }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.157-158
D-B 30245 p. 95-96
Ms. fol. Sp. 1439
186 Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
{\relative a' { r8 a g8. fis16 g2 g g g4. }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.295-296
187 Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl
{\key g \major << \relative e' { r4 e e d8 c b4 e4~8 } \\ \relative c' { r4 c c b8 a g2 a4 } \\ \relative g' { g1 g4. a16 g f8 } >>}
D-B Bach P 802 p.57-69 188 Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
{\clef alto << \relative d' { d2 d4 d e2 d r8 } \\ \relative g { r1 r4 g g g a2 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.72-73
D-B 22541/2 p.100-101
189 Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
{<< \relative b { r16 b c d g, d' e fis g2 g } \\ \relative g' { r2 r8 g e c r <c e> <b d> <g b> } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.70-71
190 Gott der Vater wohn uns bei
{<< \relative g' { g4 g a b c c b } \\ \relative c' { c4 c~c b a2 g4 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e4 e fis g~g fis g } >>}
Plauen Organ Book
D-B 30245 p.99-100
191 Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
{\key g \major << {g'1 g'2 b'2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r4 b c4. d8 e b e4~e8 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.22-23
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.197-198
192 Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn
{\partial 2 \key g \major << \relative g' { g2 g4. a8 b2 } \\ \relative b { r8 b c d e4 d8 c b } \\ \relative fis' { s2 s4. fis8 g4. } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 193 Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiß gar wohl
{\partial 2 << \relative a' { a2 a gis a } \\ \relative d' { s2 r4 d8 c b a b4 a4 } \\ \relative a' { r4 a8 g f e f e d c d4 c4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 194 Ich dank dir, lieber Herre
{\key f \major \clef alto \relative f' { \partial 2 <f c a>2 4 4 <f d a>4 <g d~ g,~> <e d g,>8 }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 195 Ich dank dir shon durch deinen Sohn
{\time 4/2 \key f \major \relative c' { c1 2 2 f1. d2 e1. }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 196 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
{<< \relative a' { a1 } \\ \relative a, { r16 \clef bass a16 b cis d e f g a cis, d e f g a d, } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.96-97
D-B 22541/2 p.103
197 In dulci jubilo
{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 a4 b8 c b2. } \\ \relative d' { d2 e1 d2~2. } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.162 198 Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod
{\key f \major \clef alto << \relative g' { g2 g  } \\ \relative c' { r2 r16 c b a g8 } \\ \relative f' { r16 f ees d c8 d ees d16 c bes8  } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.165-166 199 Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
{\key f \major \relative c' { r16 c d e f g a bes c2 d }}
D-B 22541/3 p.167-168 200 Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott
{\key f \major << { c''1} \\ \relative e' { r16 <e g> <f a> <g bes> <f a>8 <e g> <f a>2 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.179-180
201 Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn
{\key g \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { d2 4 4 g2. fis4 g } \\ \relative g { r2 r4 g g g d'2~4 } >>}
D-B 22541/1 p.100
D-B 22541/2 p.101
202 Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich
{\key g \major \partial 4 \relative g { g4 d' d d d e d8. c16 b4. }}
B-Bc 26659 p.3-6 203 Magnificat primi toni
{\key d \minor \relative d' { d16 e f g a b cis d e f g a r16 e,}}
D-B 30280 p.26
D-LEm Becker III.8.26
204 Magnificat primi toni
{\key d \minor \clef bass \relative e { r16 e f g f a g bes a d cis e d }}
D-B 30280 p.27
D-LEm Becker III.8.26
205 Magnificat noni toni
{\key d \minor \clef alto << \relative d' { r4 d f2~4 e8 d e4 } \\ \relative a { r2 r4 a c2. } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.96
206 Mensch, willt du leben seliglich
{\clef bass << \relative b { r4 b c2~4 b8. a16 b8} \\ \relative e { e2. fis4 g2 gis8 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.98-99, p.102-103
D-B 30245 p.35-39
D-B Bach P 806
207 Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott (4 versus)
{<< {a'1} \\ \relative g' { r16 g f e f g f e f8 e16 d e4 } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.181 208 Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
{\partial 2 << \relative g' { g4. fis16 g a2*1/4 } \\ \relative b { r8 <b g> <e c>4~8 } >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.182 209 Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist
{<< \relative g' { g1 a2 a } \\ \relative b { r2 <b d> <c~ e> <c d> } >>}
D-B Bach P 802 p.17-37
D-WRz Fol 49/11 (3)
210 Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein
{\relative g { r8 r16 fis g a b c b g a b c }}
D-B 22541/1 p. 6-7
D-B 22541/2 p. 25
211 Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
{\clef alto \key g \minor << \relative g' { g2 g8. bes16 a8. g16 f2 } \\ \relative d' { r4 d ees2 d4 a } \\ \\ \relative bes { r4 bes4~8 g c bes a g f } >>}
Plauen Organ Book 212 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
{\time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative c'' { c2 c1 b2 a1 } \\ \relative g' { g2 g a g g f } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 e1 e2 c1 } >>}
D-B 2681/2 p.82-87
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.40-41, p.44-45
D-B 30245 p.70-74
D-B Bach P 806
213 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (3 versus)
{\clef alto \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 fis2 e1*1/4 } \\ \relative g { g4 g8 a b4 g b c d fis,8 g a4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Plauen Organ Book
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.42-43
D-B 30245 p.74-76
D-B Bach P 806
Ms. fol. Sp. 1439 p.28-29
214 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
{\time 3/2 \clef alto \relative c' { r2 r2 c c2. d8 c b2 a2. }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839 215 Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren
{\key g \major \time 3/2 \partial 2 << \relative g' { g2 g1 } \\ \relative c' { r8 c e c b2~8 b cis4 } >>}
Andreas Bach Book f.110r 216 O lux beata trinitas (frag.)
{\relative e'' { e8 b g e d d' d d c2 }}
D-B 22541/1 p. 69
D-B 22541/2 p. 106
217 Puer natus in Bethlehem
{\time 3/2 r2 r2 << \relative a' { a2 a1 a2 b2. } \\ \relative c' { c2 c1 a2~a1 } \\ \\ \relative e' { e2 1 d4 e f2 } >>}
D-B Bach P 801 p.333-353
D-LÜmh Mus. U 212
Lost BuxWV 218 Manuscript
218 Te Deum laudamus
{\time 3/4 \relative b' { r16 b c d e b c a c e d c b }}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.104-105
D-B 30280 p.5
219 Vater unser im Himmelreich
{<< \relative a' { a1 a4. } \\ \relative d' { r4 d2 cis4 r4 a4*1/2 } \\ \\ \relative f' { r4 f4 e2 r4 e2*1/4 } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.200
220 Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
{\clef alto \partial 4 << \relative a { a4 e' fis g4. g8 c, } \\ \relative e { r4 r2 r4 e a } >>}
Sammlung Gotthold Ms. 15,839
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.199-200
221 Von Gott will ich nicht lassen
{\partial 4 << \relative e' { r16 e fis gis a8 gis16 a b16 } \\ \relative c' { r4 r16 c b a gis8 } >>}
Frankenberger Walther Manuscript p.311
D-B 30280 p.2
222 Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit
{<< \relative a' { a2. b4 c2 cis d e } \\ \relative c' { r4 c f2 a1~a2. g4 } >>}
D-B 22541/2 p.1-5 223 Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
{\time 6/4 \clef bass g,1. << \relative a' { r4 \clef treble a g fis a fis }\\ {d1.} >>}
D-B 22541/3 p.148 224 Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ
{\clef alto \time 3/2 << \relative a { a2 a a d1 e2 f4 g f e d } \\ \relative d { s1. s1. d2 d d } >>}
S-N Finspong 1136:2 p.1-2 225 Canzonetta in A Minor
{\relative a' { a16 a' gis a b, a' gis a c, a' gis a d, }}

In 2006, two manuscripts containing transcriptions by Johann Sebastian Bach of An Wasserflüssen Babylon by Johann Adam Reincken and the beginning of Nun freut euch... by Buxtehude in New German Tablature Notation were discovered.[4]

Organ works in BuxWV anh.

The opening to BuxWV anh. 5
Caption text
Sources BuxWV[3] Title Incipit Notes Ref.
Lowell Mason Codex p.81-83 anh.5 Sonata a 2 Clavir Pedal
<< \relative a' { \time 2/2 r2 a2~ a4 a a2 } \\ \relative d' { d2. d4 d2. cis4 } \\ \\ \relative f' { f2. f4 f2 e } >>
It is theorized that this is an organ transcription of an instrumental trio sonata by Buxtehude.[Citation needed]
anh.11 Erhalt uns Herr, bei deinem Wort

Notable works not included in BuxWV

Source Title Incipt Notes Ref.
D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 209 No.45 Nun freuet / Euch Lieben Chri- /
sten Gemein. / Auf 2. Clavier
\relative d' { \key a \major d1 d2 a d cis~ cis4 }
This chorale fantasia has been theoried to be a young composition by Buxtehude by Pieter Dirksen. [5][6]


See notes

  1. Hedar, Josef, Dietrich Buxtehudes Orgelwerke. 372-373.
  2. Beckmann, Klaus (editor), D. Buxtehude: Sämtliche Orgelwerke. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1997.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Karstädt, Georg. Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Dietrich Buxtehude. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1985.
  4. Beckmann, Klaus, Die Norddeutsche Schule. Teil II: Blütezeit und Verfall. Mainz: Schott, 2009. 294-295.
  5. Dirksen, Pieter (editor), Dietrich Buxtehude(?): Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein. Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2006. Introduction:, accessed 14 August, 2023.
  6. RISM450101448