Vincent Lübeck

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Keyboard works by Vincent Lübeck[1]
Sources LübWV Title Incipit Notes Ref.
Schmahl Organ Tablatures 6 Präambulum in c
\relative c'' { \key c \minor \partial 16 c16 g' f ees d ees d c bes c }
Schmahl Organ Tablatures 7 Präambulum in E
<< \relative b' { \key e \major \partial 16 b16 e dis e b cis b cis gis a } \\ \relative gis { s16 <gis b>4 } >>
Hs, Realcat. ND. VI. No. 3290 o Ms. 8 Präambulum in F
\relative f { \clef bass \key f \major f16 a g a f a g a f a }
S-L Wenster N:7 9 Präambulum in G
\relative g, { \key g \major \clef bass g16 b a b g b a b g d' }
Schmahl Organ Tablatures 10 Präludim in C
\relative c, { \clef bass c16 c' g c e, c' g d' c e }
D-B Bach P 801 P.373-383 11 Präludium in d
\relative a' { \key d \minor r16 a g a e g f^\trill e f^\mordent a }
Schmahl Organ Tablatures 12 Präludium in g
\relative g' { \key g \minor g4. a16 bis \tuplet 3/2 4 { fis8 g fis} d8 }
D-B Bach P 802 P.142-161 13 Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
\relative e' { \key g \major r8 e4 d8 c4. d16 e | d4  }
14 In dulci jubilo Verse 1
\relative g' { \time 3/4 \key g \major \partial 4 g8. a16 <g d b>2 <a d,>4 <b d,>2 }

Verse 2
<< \relative g' { \time 3/4 \key g \major \clef alto \partial 4 g4 g2 a4 } \\ \relative c' { r16 c b a g8 fis g e fis d}>>

Verse 3
\relative g' { \time 3/4 \partial 4 g16 b g b | g8 d g b a d }
Autograph and early copies all lost
D-B Bach P 802 P.357-365 15 Nun laßt uns Gott, dem Herren Verse 1-3
<< \relative bes' { \time 3/2 \key g \minor \partial 2 bes2 bes a bes g a } \\ \relative d'' { s2 s1 d2 ees c }>>

Verse 4
\relative d'' { \key g \minor \time 3/2 r4 d8 ees f4 bes,8 c d4 c8 bes c }

Verse 5
\relative bes'' { \time 3/2 \key g \minor r8 bes a g f ees d f g f ees d ees }

Verse 6
\relative d' { \time 3/2 \key g \minor r8 d ees f ees d c ees d f ees g f }
16 Präludium und Fuge [a] Praeludium
\tuplet 3/2 8 \relative a'' { r16 a g f e d c f e d  }

\relative e'' { r16 e e e e e e e c }
Autograph and early copies lost.
17,1-4 Suite [g]
\relative g'' { \key f \major \partial 4 r32 g fis e d c bes a g16 }
Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue.
Autograph and early copies lost.
18 Zugabe von dem Gesang "Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich" in einer Chaconne
\relative f { \time 2/4 \key f \major \clef bass r8 f f f c f f f c4 }
Autograph and early copies lost.


  1. Syré, Wolfram, Vincent Lübeck: Leben und Werk. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 2000