US-NH Ma21 Y11 A34 LM4975d

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US-NH Ma21 Y11 A34 LM4975d is a manuscript held at Yale University. It was written by Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck[1] and includes two organ fugues.


The first fugue is in lighter ink but is very clean, with no crossed-out notes or obvious mistakes. On the other hand, the second fugue is in a darker and thinner handwriting and is highly corrupted, being littered with crossed out notes and measures (which are slightly alterated from the final verion of these parts). In addition to this, in the middle there is a spurious section seperated from the rest by double barlines which is in a different texture (including sixteenth notes and different motifs) and appears to be in the key of E-Minor with soprano and bass clefs (based on accidentals such as d-sharp and considering the musicality of each staff being in different clefs. Unfortunately, Rinck did not write the clefs and key signatures on some of the new systems and did not do so here). Immediately after this spurious section the piece continues from the last measure before the insertion, except that the right hand is in the treble clef (it is marked as such); at the beginning of the next system it apparently changes back to the soprano clef (but is again not written).[2]


Pages Title Key Incipit
1 Fuga. a. 4 voc. G Major
\relative g' { \clef soprano \key g \major \partial 8 g8 fis16[ g e fis] d8[ e] d16[ e c d] b8[ c] b16 }
2-3 Fuga. a. 4 voc. E♭ Major
\relative ees' { \clef soprano \key ees \major r4 ees4 4 4 d g c, f bes, ees2 d4 c1^\trill }


  1. Fall, Henry Cutler. "A critical-bibliographical study of the Rinck collection." Masters thesis, 1958.
  2. Rehwinkel, William. "US-NH Ma21 Y11 A34 LM4975d", 31 July, 2023., accessed 1 August, 2023.
  3. RISM900005070