Rimini Sheet-Metal Organ

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The Rimini Sheet-Metal Organ (de: Blechorgel von Rimini) was an organ that was constructed in a POW camp in Bellaria near Rimini. It was constructed by Werner Rankewitz.

After the end of WWII, the organ was moved to a church, where it burned down.

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See Also

Blechorgel von Rimini on German Wikipedia


Fischer, Claus. "Die 'Kriegsgefangenen-Orgel' von Rimini: Instrument als Überlebensmittel". Deutschlandfunk, 28 August, 2017. www.deutschlandfunk.de. Accessed 1 July, 2024.

Translated by Peter Kirk. "A moving story". Rimini Organ www.rimini-orgel.de. Accessed 1 July, 2024. Archived at ftp.williamrehwinkel.net.