Marcus Olter

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Marcus Olter (1625-1684) was a German organist and composer.


Olter was born in 1625 in Meldorf, a town about 50 kilometers northwest of Hamburg). In 1653 he was in Dithmarschen, in Bauern, where he was the organist at the cathedral (St. Johannis church). He probably also worked as an organist in Meldorf (based on the suffix org. zu Meldorff in the piece found below). He passed away in 1684.


Only one piece by Olter survives, a canzona in C minor.

Source Title Incipit Notes Ref.
D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 207-15 f.17v-18r 25 /
\relative c'' { \partial 4 c4 f, g aes g8 aes | bes4 c4. c8 b4 }
Marcus Olter / org. zu Meldorff.

This piece is a canzona a 4 in three sections, each of which has a theme based on the ascending 5-note scale.


Beckmann, Klaus, Die Norddeutsche Schule. Teil II: Blütezeit und Verfall. Mainz: Schott, 2009. 521-523.