D-W Cod. Guelf. 8 Noviss. 2/o

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D-W Cod. Guelf. 8 Noviss. 2o (also stylized Noviss. 2/o) is a manuscript held in the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel. It contains autograph manuscripts[Citation needed] by Hieronymus Praetorius, Jacob Praetorius and Heinrich Scheidemann.

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Astonishingly, this manuscript had been catalogued by the library as early as 1927, but it was not more widely known until the end of the 20th century, when information about it was published in the 1988 Schütz-Jahrbuch.[1]


An excerpt from f.12r. The top voice is lower in pitch than the middle two voices.

The manuscript is written in New German Tablature Notation, except for Psalm 117 by Daniel Selich, which is written on one staff with bass clef with figured bass.

One piece, the setting of O Pieru lin is written in a slightly modified way, so that notes of different rhythmic values are beamed together.

The chorale fantasias by Hieronymus Praetorius are written in such a way that the voice which is ostensibly played on the Rückpositiv is written on the top, even when it is at a lower pitch than the Organum voices (even though it would likely be played in the left hand).


Works in D-W Cod. Guelf. 8 Noviss. 2o
No. Composer Title Incipit Notes
1 Hieronymus Praetorius Christ unser / Herr zum / Jordan qwam.
\relative d' { \time 4/2 d1 f2 g a g4 a8 b << c1. \\ \relative a { r2 a c } >> }
2 Hieronymus Praetorius Wan nun mein / Stundtlein / vorhanden / ist / &. / Auff 2 Clavier.
<< \relative f' { \time 4/2 \clef alto r1 f c2 f e  } \\ \relative bes { bes1 f2 bes a bes c4. b16 c  } >>
3 Jacob Praetorius Von all Men /
schen abgewandt /
i Versus,
<< \relative bes' { \time 4/2 bes1 f2 g4. a8 bes4. a8 bes4 c } \\ \relative ees' { R\breve ees1 } >>

<< \relative bes' { \time 4/2 \clef alto R\breve bes1 } \\ \relative bes { bes1 f g2. a4 } \\ \relative f' { r1 c2\rest f bes,4. a8 bes4 c } >>

<< \relative bes' { \time 4/2 \clef alto bes2~ bes16 g bes8 a16 bes g a } \\ \relative g { g2~ g8 g f ees } \\ \relative d' { d8 g f16 g ees f d2\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative bes { bes2. r4 } >>
[at bottom:] Jacob Praetorius.
4 Hieronymus Jordan Der 128. Psalm / A 5. / H J Br
<< \relative g' { \clef alto \time 4/2 g2. a4 bes c d1 d,2. e4 f g } \\ \relative g { g1. g,2. a4 bes c d1 } \\ \relative g { r2 g2. a4 bes c d1 } \\ \relative g { r1 g2. a4 bes c d1 d2.*2/3 } >>
5 Heinrich Scheidemann Ein Liedt / Betrübet ist zu / diser frist.
<< \relative a' { \time 4/2 \partial 4 a4 d,4. e8 f8 d d'4 } \\ \relative d { s4 d1 } \\ \relative a { s4 a1 } \\ \relative f { s4 f1 } >>
[f.4 at bottom:] H. S. M. / 1630
6 Daniel Selich Psal. 117 Alleluja lobet den Herren ab 8. 4 Voc: & 4 fagoti D S VV.
\relative g, { \clef bass \key g \minor \time 2/2 \cadenzaOn g2._"Tutti" g4 d2 g4 c,2 c4 g'2 }
Only piece not for organ.
7 Orazio Tiberio Vecchi O Pieru / lin.
\relative c' { \time 4/2 c2. e8 f g4 a g2 e r4 c }
L' Amfiparnaso (Excerpts. Arr)


Actually, the superscript symbol is a lowercase letter O.


D-W Cod. Guelf. 8 Noviss. 2/o Online facsimile: diglib.hab.de accessed 2 December, 2023, mirrored IMSLP886798.


Beckmann, Klaus (editor), Hieronymus Praetorius: Sämtliche Orgelwerke. Teil 1. Mainz: Schott, 2002.


  1. Beckmann, Klaus, Die Norddeutsche Schule. Teil I: Die Zeit der Gründerväter. Mainz: Schott, 2005. 189.