Andreas Düben II

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Andreas (II) Düben (1597-1662)

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Surviving works by Andreas Düben II
Source Title Incipit Notes Ref.
D-B Ms. Lynar B 3 ff.31a-b Praeludium /
Ex E. Vel /
A Pedaliter /
A. D. O.
<< \relative a' { \clef alto \time 4/2 a1 a1~2 gis4 fis  } \\ \relative a, { a1 a'2 a e1 } \\ \relative e' { e1 e1 e1\laissezVibrer } \\ \relative c' { c1 c1 c2 b4 a }  >>
D-B Ms. Lynar B 1 ff.18a-19b 5. Variatio /
Choral in /
Canto auff 2. /
Clavier /
A Duben.
[Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr]
<< \relative f' { \time 3/2 \clef alto \partial 2 r2 R1. r2 r2 f a1*1/4 } \\ \relative f { r2 r2 r2 f a1 bes2 c4  }\\ \relative c' { c2 e1 f2 e c d e4 } >>
D-B Ms. Lynar B 1 ff.18a-19b 6 /
Variatio /
choral in Basso /
A D.
[Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr]
<< \relative f' { \time 3/2 \clef bass \partial 2 r2 r2 r2 f a1 bes2 c2.*1/3 } \\ \relative f, { r2 R1. f1. a1*1/4 } \\ \relative f { f2 a1 bes2 c2. d4 bes2 a1*1/2 } >>
D-B Ms. Lynar B 1 ff.12a-14 Wo Gott /
der Herr nicht /
beij unß Held /
auff 2 Clavir /
Andrae Duben
<< \relative d' { \clef alto \time 4/2 r2 d2~4 ees8 f g4 f8 ees d4 g f8.*2/3 } \\ \relative bes { bes1 bes2 g bes4. c8 d2*1/4 } >>


Dirksen, Pieter (editor). Orgelmusik av familjen Düben. Stockholm: Runa Nototext, 1996.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Dirksen