Rachel Laurin

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Rachel Laurin

Rachel Laurin (1961-2023) was a Canadian organist and composer. Her compositions span over 104 opus numbers, many of which include multiple pieces. In addition to composing, she also operated as a recording artist and recitalist, and lecturer.

She was Associate Composer of the Canadian Music Center starting in 1989. Among other awards, in 2020 she was awarded the Distinguished Composer Award by the American Guild of Organists.

Rachel Laurin passed away on August 13, 2023 at St-Vincent Hospital in Ottawa. Her passing is a great loss to the Canadian musical community.[1]

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Organ works by Rachel Laurin
Op. Title Incipit Notes Published Ref.
6 no.1 Suite Breve Europart-Music, 1988 [2]
6 no.2 Suite Breve Europart-Music, 1988 [2]
7 Sonate en Fa Scherzo
13 Hommage a Lucien Daveluy [2]
16 Scenes vosgiennes Europart-Music, 1989 [2]
24 Prélude [2]
26 Variations sur un Noël Lorrain Europart-Music, 1995 [2]
30 Quatre Pelerinages en Lorraine 1. Procession
2. Invoation
3. Fileuse
4. Marche pour la Paix
Europart-Music, 1996 [2]
31 Trois Pieces Prelude et Fugue in Si Mineur
<< \relative d' { \time 3/4 \key b \minor d16 fis b d fis, cis' d ais } \\ \relative b, { b8 b' ais b16 fis } >>

\relative d' { \time 2/4 \key b \minor r4 d16 e fis fis, b b' ais b }

Toccata et Fugue in Sol Mineur
\relative d { \clef bass \key g \major r16 d e fis g b, c d g, }

\relative d'' { \key g \major \time 6/8 r4 r8 d8 g, d' e g, e' fis g, fis' }

Chaconne et Fugue in Mi Mineur
\relative b, { \time 3/4 \key g \major \clef bass \partial 4 b4 e2 cis4 d2 b4 }

\relative b { \time 3/4 \key g \major \partial 8 b8 e cis' b d, cis a' }
Wayne Leupold Editions, 2012 [2]
36 Symphonie No. 1 Prelude
Wayne Leupold Editions, 2008 [2]
37 Acclamations [2]
38 Etude Heroïque
<< \relative a'' { \key g \major r8. <a b>16 <g c e>4 } \\ \relative e { e4~8. dis'16 } \\ \relative a' { \key g \major r8. <a b>16 <g c e>4 } >>
Wayne Leupold Editions, 2012 [2]
41 Petite Suite sur un Motet de Gerald Bales Te Deum Laudamus v.2
RCCO Music Publications, 2005
43 Douze courtes Pieces Cantilene
Fugue "Bouclee"
Moto Perpetuo
Trumpet Tune
Fugue "Circulaire"
Choral et Variations
Fugue "Carée"
Fugue "Triangulaire"
Wayne Leupold Editions, 2006 (vol.1)
2010 (vol.2)
44 Introduction and Passacaglia, on a Theme by Raymond Daveluy Introduction
<< \relative bes { r4 <bes d g bes> r <g bes cis e> }\\ \relative d, { \clef bass \key bes \major d2 d'' } >>

\relative g, { \clef bass \key bes \major \time 3/4 r4 r g des'2 c4 f2 e4 }
Wayne Leupold Editions, 2011 [2]
45 Prélude et Fugue en Fa Mineur Prelude
Winner, Holtkamp-AGO Composition Award 2008 Hinshaw Music, 2008 [2]
47 Partita on "Nun danket" For organ, piano, or keyboard Wayne Leupold Editions, 2009 [2]
50 Épilogue
\relative g { \time 9/8 \key c \minor g8 <g' g'> <ees ees'> <f f'> <g g'> <aes aes'> <g g'> <aes aes'> <bes bes'> }
Winner, Marilyn Mason New Organ Music Composition Competition 2009 Wayne Leupold Editions, 2014 [2]
53 Royal Canadian Fanfare (Douze courtes Pièces, Vol.2) Wayne Leupold Editions, 2012 [2]
54 Trois Bagatelles Perpetuum mobile
Dance and variations
Organ or harmonium [2]
55 Symphonie no.2 [2]
56 Greensboro Suite Wayne Leupold Editions, 2011 [2]
58 Sept Pieces Fuga comica
Fuga seriosa
Wayne Leupold Editions, 2012 [2]
61 Berceuse a Pierre [2]
62 Fantaisie et Fugue sur le Psaume Genevois 47 Duo d'orgue [2]
63 Suite in D Major for Don Menzies [2]
64 Douze courtes Pieces, vol.3 Wayne Leupold Editions, 2014 [2]
66 Etude-Caprice "Le Rire de Belzebuth"
<< \relative g'' { \time 3/4 \key bes \major r8 g16 <g fis> <g f>8 g,16 <g fis> <g f>8 } \\ \relative g' { \time 3/4 \key bes \major r8 g16 <g fis> <g f>8 d16 <d cis> <d c>8 } >>
Wayne Leupold Editions, 2016 [2]
68 Douce courtes pieces v.4 Wayne Leupold Editions, 2016 [2]
69 Poeme Symphonique pour le Temps de l'Avent On the hymn "creator Alme Siderum" and the Kyrie from Mass XVIII Wayne Leupold Editions, 2017 [2]
72 Etude Symphonique pour Pedale Solo
\relative f { \time 6/8 \clef bass \key bes \major \partial 8 f8 d4 f8 bes4 c8 d4.~4 }
Variations sur "That Good Old Baylor Line" Wayne Leupold Editions, 2016 [2]
73 Fantaisie et Fugue en Ré Majeur Fantaisie
74 Aria et Fugue pour Aaron Aria
75 Douze courtes Pieces Three impressions of Kingsfold
Prélude en canon
Cloches - Three inventions
A "timburine" for Tim
A jazzy jig for Janet
A friendly fency for Frances (Homage to Orlando Gibbons - Three evocations
Pastorale sur "Puer natus"
Maestoso nobile
Caprice sur "Qui regis Israel" - Three visions
77 Humoresque Hommage a Marcel Dupré [2]
78 Finale Example Wayne Leupold Editions, 2018 [2]
79 Piece de Concert No.1 [2]
86 Piece de Concert No.2 Hommage a Buxtehude [2]
91 Sonate pour orgue No.1 Allegro agitato
Berceuse mariale
Carilion-Toccata: Allegro leggiero
92 Ten little Sketches for Ten little Fingers The March of the Pretty Princess
The Butterfly
The Clown with a Big Nose
The Snake's Arabesqu
Turn off the Phone!
The Jig of the Bells
The Woodpecker's Fugue
Licorice Twists
The Angels' Rondoletto
The Joyfu Sparrow
Do-Organ (Orgelkit) [2]
93 Petite Triptyque Prélude
Légende du Vent
94 Concert Piece No.3 Mr. Mistoffelees Overture [2]
95 Fantasia quasi scherzo [2]
96 Concert Piece no.4 Sweelinck Variations [2]
97 Concert Piece no.5 Tone Poem in Honour of S. Benedict on "Gaudeamus" and "Laeta Dies" [2]
98 Etude-Esquisse no.2 Bagatelle burlesque (Hommage a Beethoven) [2]
99 Cantabile a Deux Organ duet (two organists one organ) [2]
100 Thirteen Easy Pieces Tic Tac Toe
A Crow on the Snow
The Frog and the Bug
Eevning Prayer
The Train
L Lievre et la Tortue
The Clock
The Fiddler
A Spooky Shadow...
The Rabbits Waltz
Canadian Landscape
The sleeping Cat
The dancing Mice
102 Concert Piece no.6 Fantasy and Fugue on a Swedish Folk Song [2]
103 Concert Piece no.7 Toccata for a Great Space [2]


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