S-L Wenster N:7

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S-L Wenster N:7 is a manuscript held in the Universitetsbiblioteket, Lund. It contains a praeambulum and fuga by Vincent Lübeck and two Preludia by Gottlieb Nitau.


The manuscript is titled Preludium di D fiss composes de Monsr Gottlieb Nittauff. It is speculatively dated to the beginning of the 18th century, and it was previously owned by Christian Wenster Sr.


fols. Title Incipit Notes Ref.
1v-2r Preludium
\relative d' { \time 6/4 d4. e8 fis g fis4. e8 fis d | a'4. }
[Gottlieb Nitauff]
2v-4r Fuga
\relative a' { \time 12/8 r8 a a fis b16 a b8 g fis e }
[Gottlieb Nitauff]
4v-5r Praeambullum ex Gh di Vi Lübeck
\relative g, { \clef bass g16 b a b g b a b g d' c d }
5v-7r [Fuga]
\relative d'' { d8. 16 8 8 b b b d }
7v-9r Preludium di G. Nitauff. Toccata
<< \relative e'' { \clef bass r16 \clef treble e d c f f e d e c b' a } \\ a,1*3/4\laissezVibrer >>


Rudén, Jan Olof. Music in Tablature: A thematic index with source descriptions of music in tablature notation in Sweden. Stockholm: Svenskt musikhistoriskt arkiv, 1981. 62.