Marcin Wartecki

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Marcin Wartecki was a Polish composer. He served at the Polish court between 1564-1565[1]. One piece by him is found in the Warsaw Musical Society Tablature.


Source Title Incipit Notes Ref.
Warsaw Musical Society Tablature p.26 Introitus di S. Cruxi / Nos autem gloriari optet M. W.
<< \relative a { \clef bass \time 4/2 r1 a c b2 c d c4 b }  \\ \relative d { d1 f e2 f g1 f1 }>>


Gołos, Jerzy and Sutkowski, Adam (editors). Keyboard Music from Polish Manuscripts. Corpus of Early Keyboard Music Vol. 10, part 4.

The organ tablature of Warsaw Musical Society. Antiquitates musicae in Polonia vol. 15. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press, (1976?)