Austin Organ, First Congregational Church, Westfield NJ

Austin Organs, Inc. op. 2547, built in 1972, is housed at First Congregational Church, Westfield NJ. It contains four divisions over two manuals and pedals.
In 1951, the congregation built a new sanctuary building. Unlike the previous arrangement, in which the organ was placed against the back of the chancel speaking into the space, the organ was split into two chambers on each side of the chancel. When the Möller organ was moved into the new sanctuary, it was installed in the two chambers with no exposed pipeworks.
In 1964, the church began to consider purchasing a new organ. Besides the state of the installation, other major problems had started to occur with the electro-pneumatic action and combination action. However, the problem of what to do with the organ was deffered for several years. Finally, around 1970 the organ committee was formed. Fred Swann was hired as an organ consultant, as he was the teacher of Nick Tino the organist of the church when he was a student at the Guilmant School. Swann designed a four-division stoplist over two manuals and pedal.

The four division layout is a compromise between a two- and three-manual design, as the Enclosed Great is similar in design to a typical Choir division with flutes, a flute celeste, and reed–here an English Horn instead of Cromorne (except that it also includes the Trumpet 8). The Unenclosed Great contains the principal chorus which is exposed on the "stage-right" side, containing a Montre 8, Prestant 4, and 3-rank Fourniture, in addition to 16-foot Quintadena which is on the "stage-left" facade.
The pedal contains a few indipdendent ranks, a 16-8 Contrebasse-Principal unit, an indipendent Choralbass 4, and 2-rank mixture. The rest of the stops are borrowed, the Quintadena 16 and two flutes from the Great and Swell extended to 16-foot, and Rohrschalmei 4. It also includes a 16-foot extension of the Great Trompete 8, called Posaune, even though the extension is half-length meaning it would more accurately be called Fagot or Bassoon).
The Vox Humana 8 on the Swell is retained from the 1924 Möller organ from FCC Westfield. The Swell also includes the Rohrschalmei 4 stop. Usually this stop is reserved for the pedal only, but it was placed in the swell to act as the 4-foot reed, so that it wouldn't be quite as loud as a 4-foot Clairon.
The Enclosed Great is in the "stage-left" chamber with the Pedal 16-8 Principal unit, and the Swell is in the stage-right chamber.
There are a few changed to the layout of the console from that which is required by the AGO Specifications. These were intended by Fred Swann to make the organ more ergonomic and flexible.
- Each division has 8 instead of 6 divisionals.
- "Great/Swell pistons to pedal", which enabled "British mode" divisional use in which hitting a divisional on the Great (or Swell) divisional engages that same divisional in the pedal.
- The layout of the toe studs was changed.
The dedication recital for this organ was performed by Fred Swann on 29 October, 1972.

Unenclosed Great | Enclosed Great | Swell | Pedal | ||||||||||||
Quintaten | 16 |
Bourdon | 8 |
Rohrflöte | 8 |
Grand Cornet | VII |
Montre | 8 |
Flauto dolce | 8 |
Viola Pomposa | 8 |
Contre Basse | 16 |
Prestant | 4 |
Dolce celeste | 8 |
Viola Celeste | 8 |
Bourdon (Gr.) | 16 |
Fourniture | III |
Koppelflöte | 4 |
Principal | 4 |
Quintaton (Gr.) | 16 |
Blockflöte | 2 |
Harmonic Flute | 4 |
Gedeckt (ext. Sw.) | 16 |
Larigot | 1 1/3 |
Octavin | 2 |
Principal (ext.) | 8 |
Trompete | 8 |
Sesquialtera | II |
Rohrflöte (Sw.) | 8 |
English Horn | 8 |
Mixture | II |
Choralbass | 4 |
tremulant | Trompette | 8 |
Mixture | II |
Chimes | Vox Humana | 8 |
Posaune (ext. Gr.) | 16 |
Rohrschalmei | 4 |
Rohrschalmei (Sw.) | 4 |
tremulant | Chimes |
Chimes |
Gr. to Gr. 16, 4, Unison off. Sw. to Sw. 16, 4, Unison off. Sw. to Gr. 16, 8, 4. Gr. to Sw. 8. Gr. to Ped. 8. Sw. to Ped. 8, 4.
8 divisionals, Gr. Sw. and Ped. 14 Generals.
Rehwinkel, William. "50th Anniversary Organ Concert", 2022.