Austin Organ, First Congregational Church, Westfield NJ
Austin Organs, Inc. op. 2547, built in 1972, is housed at First Congregational Church, Westfield NJ. It contains four divisions over two manuals and pedals.
In 1951, the congregation built a new sanctuary building. Unlike the previous arrangement, in which the organ was placed against the back of the chancel speaking into the space, the organ was split into two chambers on each side of the chancel. When the Möller organ was moved into the new sanctuary, it was installed in the two chambers with no exposed pipeworks.
In 1964, the church began to consider purchasing a new organ. Besides the state of the installation, other major problems had started to occur with the electro-pneumatic action and combination action. However, the problem of what to do with the organ was deffered for several years. Finally, around 1970 the organ committee was formed. Fred Swann was hired as an organ consultant, as he was the teacher of Nick Tino the organist of the church when he was a student at the Guilmant School. Swann designed a four-division stoplist over two manuals and pedal.
Unenclosed Great | Enclosed Great | Swell | Pedal | ||||||||||||
Quintaten | 16 |
Bourdon | 8 |
Rohrflöte | 8 |
Grand Cornet | VII |
Montre | 8 |
Flauto dolce | 8 |
Viola Pomposa | 8 |
Contre Basse | 16 |
Prestant | 4 |
Dolce celeste | 8 |
Viola Celeste | 8 |
Bourdon (Gr.) | 16 |
Fourniture | III |
Koppelflöte | 4 |
Principal | 4 |
Quintaton (Gr.) | 16 |
Blockflöte | 2 |
Harmonic Flute | 4 |
Gedeckt (ext. Sw.) | 16 |
Larigot | 1 1/3 |
Octavin | 2 |
Principal (ext.) | 8 |
Trompete | 8 |
Sesquialtera | II |
Rohrflöte (Sw.) | 8 |
English Horn | 8 |
Mixture | II |
Choralbass | 4 |
tremulant | Trompette | 8 |
Mixture | II |
Chimes | Vox Humana | 8 |
Posaune (ext. Gr.) | 16 |
Rohrschalmei | 4 |
Rohrschalmei (Sw.) | 4 |
tremulant | Chimes |
Chimes |
Gr. to Gr. 16, 4, Unison off. Sw. to Sw. 16, 4, Unison off. Sw. to Gr. 16, 8, 4. Gr. to Sw. 8. Gr. to Ped. 8. Sw. to Ped. 8, 4.
8 divisionals, Gr. Sw. and Ped. 14 Generals.
Rehwinkel, William. "50th Anniversary Organ Concert", 2022.