H. M. T.

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Initials in K.N. 209

One piece in D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 209 is headed by the currently unsolved initials "H.M.T.".


Several theories as to the identity of "H.M.T." have been made, but none have gained widespread approval. It was theorized to be the south German composer Michael Tonsor[1]. The musicologist Fritz Dietrich wrote that it may be a distortion of "F.T." (=Franz Tunder) and "H.S.M." (=Heinrich Scheidemann), two initials which appear in this manuscript[2].

Despite these, the initials remain unsolved; in Repertorium Orgelmusik the initials are left unattributed[3].


Manuscript No. Pages Title Incipits
D-B mus.ant.pract. K.N. 209 47 256-261
  • Ich Rueff Zu / dir Herr Jesu / Christ. / H.M.T.
  • 2dus Versus / Auf 2. Clavier
  • Tertius Versus. / Auff 2. Clavier.
<< \relative a' { \time 4/2 a1 f2 g f d } \\ \relative d' { r1 r4 d bes4. c8 d4 c8 bes a4. bes8 } \\ \\ \relative a { s\breve r4 a f4. g8 } >>

<< \relative a' { \time 4/2 r2 r8 a f4 g2 f2. } \\ \relative d' { d2 bes8 c d4. d8 c bes a4 bes8 c d4 } \\ \relative a' { s1 s2 a4. g8 f2*1/2 } >>

<< \relative e' { \time 4/2 \clef alto e2 c4 d c a'  } \\ \relative a { r4 a4. f4 g8 a16 bes g a f g e f  } >>

See also

Editions of "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ":


  1. Junghans, Wilhelm. Lüneburg eine Pflegstätte kirchlicher Musik. Aus dem Ostern 1870 herausgegebenen Programm des Johanneums zu Lun̈eburg abgedruckt. 33.
  2. Brieg, Werner. Die Orgelwerke von Heinrich Scheidemann. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1967. 56.
  3. Beckmann, Klaus. Repertorium Orgelmusik. New York: Schott, 2001.
  4. Rehwinkel, William (editor). "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" 22 May, 2023. [1] Accessed 17 July, 2023.
  5. RISM450101450