Johann Christian Schieferdecker

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Johann Christian Schieferdecker (1679-1732) was an organist and composer working in Lübeck. He was the successor to Dietrich Buxtehude in the Marienkirche, Lübeck.


Johann Christian Schieferdecker was born on November 10, 1679, in Teuchern bei Weißenfels, Sachsen. He attended the Thomasschule in Leipzig from 1692-1697.

In 1702 he went to Hamburg, where he worked as the harpsichordist and composer for the opera house of the goose market.

At the Marienkirche, Lübeck, Schieferdecker started substituting for Dietrich Buxtehude in 1706, he was appointed as the successor on June 23, 1707. Adhering to the tradition of marrying the daughter of the predecessor, he married Anna Margaretha Buxtehude.

Johann Christian Schieferdecker passed away on April 3, 1732.


Source Title Incipit Notes Ref
D-LÜh Mus. T 71 all. p.44-51 Meine Seele erhebet den Herren. J. N. J. Soli Deo Gloria /
Lübeck d. 30January 1710 /
J. C. S.
{\time 4/4 \key g \major \relative c' { \autoBeamOff r8 e8 e[ e] g[ g] g fis16[ e] }}

Schieferdecker's only surviving organ work is in a Lübeck manuscript dated January 30, 1710. It is a four-voice setting of the German magnificat in 5 sections: an introduction, through-setting in soprano, echos (Zwischenspiel), through-setting in bass, and conclusion.


Beckmann, Klaus, Die Norddeutsche Schule. Teil II: Blütezeit und Verfall. Mainz: Schott, 2009. 391.


  1. RISM452013532
  2. EB 8534 no.17. Source: Beckmann (2009), 391.